Stat 992: Course Logistics and Overview of Prerequisites
Key Items from the Syllabus
- Course website: My homepage (Stat 992, Spring 2025)
- Target audience: Ph.D. students in statistics
- Office hours:
- Walk-ins whenever I’m available (1245B Medical Sciences)
- By appointment (e-mail me)
- Grading:
- Summarize one paper; see syllabus
Goal of the Course
The main goal is to prepare students for research in causal inference.
- Build intuition behind causal inference (e.g. confounding, counterfactuals, missing data)
- Learn how to identify causal estimands:
- Learn how to estimate/infer causal estimands:
You need to know probability, math stats, linear models, and statistical computing at the graduate level (e.g., Casella and Berger (2002), Lehmann (1999), Rizzo (2019)).
Specific concepts are listed below
A. Probability: conditional independence/probability/expectation, law of total expectation, convergence of random variables (e.g., LLN, CLT), rates of convergence, continuous mapping theorem
B. Math Stats: likelihood-based estimation and inference (e.g., MLE, Cramer-Rao), nonparametric two-sample tests (e.g., t-test, permutation test)
C. Linear Models: linear models (projection-based), GLMs
D. Computation: bootstrap, cross validation, designing simulations to numerically evaluate estimators and tests (e.g., bias, Type I error rate)
My Go-To Reference Books
- Serfling (1980), Lehmann (1999), and Lehmann (2006) (Appendix)
- For CLTs/LLNs under finite and super-population setups
- For properties of U statistics (i.e. rank tests)
- Rates of convergence are described intuitively in Lehmann (1999).
- Newey and McFadden (1994) (Sections 2,3,6)
- M-estimation with estimated nuisance parameter
- Wooldridge (2010) (Chapters 1-5),
- Deriving asymptotic properties of regression estimators
- Van der Vaart (2000)
- For semiparametric efficiency theory1
- For properties of M estimators and empirical process theory.
Other Prerequisites
- Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, and the triangle inequality
- Taylor series approximation
- Multivariable calculus and basic real analysis
- Open/closed/compact sets
- Inf/sup/liminf/limsup, norms
- Definition of limits, continuous funciton, and derivative
- Linear algebra
- Linear span, column space, rank of a matrix, inverse, determinants
- Orthogonal projections
There are now great references to this: Alejandro’s book, Hines et al. (2022), Kennedy (2022), and Newey (1990)↩︎