Statistical Relational Learning to Predict Primary Myocardial Infarction from Electronic Health Records
Jeremy C Weiss, Sriraam Natarajan, Peggy L Peissig, Catherine McCarty, and David Page
Abstract: Electronic health records (EHRs) are an emerging relational domain with large potential to improve clinical outcomes. We apply two statistical relational learning (SRL) algorithms to the task of predicting primary myocardial infarction. We show that one SRL algorithm, relational functional gradient boosting, outperforms propositional learners particularly in the medically-relevant high recall region. We observe that both SRL algorithms predict outcomes better than their propositional analogs and suggest how our methods can augment current epidemiological practices.
IAAI 2012 Supplement.
Below are the extra figures omitted from the proceedings. It includes experimental results as a function of forest size and the full 10-tree forest learned from data.
Jeremy Weiss [webpage] jcweiss@
Department of Computer Science, Medicine
Advisor: David Page