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Introduction to the talks (Jim Gast):
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HERE to see the overview
of the talks.
We hope you enjoy these talks as much as we enjoyed making them.
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Jim Gast's home page.
Global Internet
XHTML (Steven Hart):
Extensible HyperText Markup Language from
The XHTML W3C Reccomendation
Running programs from remote users
Execution across a wire(Greg Bronner):
Java Security from
"Java Security: Web Browsers and Beyond"
ACM Press, October 1997, D. Dean, E. Felten, D. Wallach, D. Balfanz.
Active Networking Example (Gokul Nadathur):
Active Networking -- ANTS from
"ANTS: A Toolkit for Building and Dynamically Deploying Network Protocols"
, IEEE OPENARCH 98, D. Wetherall, J. Guttag, D. Tennenhouse.
Active Network Experiences (Chris Chambreau):
PLANet from
"PLANet: An Active Internetwork"
To appear in IEEE Infocomm, M. Hicks, J. Moore, S. Alexander, C. Gunter, S. Nettles.
Java and dynamic neighborhoods (Dejia Wang):
Discovery and Join Protocol for Java Devices
from the
JINI Discovery and Join Specification, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
A practical example for Active Networking (Hong Lin):
Active Rerouting from
A model for enhancing connection rerouting using active networks, K. W. Chin, M. Kumar, C. Farrell,
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Modeling, analysis and simulation
of wireless and mobile systems, 1999.
Cryptography, E-Commerce, and Security
Crypto update (Hao Wang):
Advanced Encryption Standard from
the NIST
AES competition
Crypto in practice (Jian Andy Li):
Anonymous E-Commerce from
Anonymous Internet Merchantile Protocol, D. Kristol, S. Low, N. Maxemchuk.
Login from untrusted places (Jerome Heckenkamp):
SSH and Network Security from
SSH - Secure Login Connections over the Internet, T. Ylonen, USENIX Security Conference '96.
Satellite and wireless networking
When the speed of light is slow (Davin Sannes):
Satellite Transport Protocol from
"Transport Protocols for Internet-Compatible Satellite Networks"
IEEE Journals on Selected Areas in Communications '99, T. Henderson,
R. Katz.
Home Agents and Foreign Agents (Sonny Pham):
Moving your IP address with you from
IP Mobility 4x4, S. Cheshire, M. Baker, SIGCOMM '96.
TCP is unfair to wireless customers (Nitin Bahadur):
Wireless TCP from
"A Comparison of Mechanisms for Improving TCP Performance over Wireless Links",
(extended and improved) SIGCOMM 96,
H. Balakrishnan, V. Padmanabhan, S. Seshan, and R. Katz.
Wireless Security (Meng Xie):
Wireless Security from
"Security Protocol for IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network",
ACM Mobile Networks and Applications 3 (1998), S. Park, A. Ganz, Z. Ganz.
Mobile Multicast (Alex Mirgorodskii):
Multicast for Mobile from
Multicast support for mobile hosts using Mobile IP: Design issues and proposed architecture
v. Chikarmane, C. Williamson, R. Bunt, W. Mackrell, ACM Mobile Networks and Applications '98.
Person Level Routing (Drew Bernat):
Person Level Routing from
Person-level Routing in the Mobile People Architecture, M. Roussopoulos, M, Swierk,
K. Lai, G. Appenzeller, M. Baker, Proceedings of the USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, October 1999.
Guaranteed Services
Quality of Service (Sanjeev Kulkarni):
Scalable Core Routing from
"Providing Guaranteed Services Without Per Flow Management"
SIGCOMM'99, I. Stoica, H. Zhang.
Home Networking, Streaming, Multicasting
Dynamic Neighborhoods (Kiran Chitluri):
Universal Plug-n-Play from
Universal Plug and Play connects smart devices,
B. Christensson, O. Larsson, Windows Hardware Engineering Conference '99.
JPEG (Jun Wang):
JPEG from
"The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard,", G. Wallace,
Communications of the ACM, April, 1991.
Optical networks, high speed, low latency
Fast IP Lookup (Min Zhong):
Scalable IP Routing from
Small Forwarding Tables for Fast
Routing Lookups, M. Degermark, A. Brodnik, S. Carlsson, S. Pink, SIGCOMM '97.
IP in a low latency world (Wei Tang):
IP Switching in an ATM environment from
IP Switching: ATM under IP, P. Newman, G. Minshall, T. Lyon,
IEEE Transactions on Networking '97.