Here are some palindromes from my collection. The ones I can trace have references. The story connecting them is my own invention.
Four guys in a Acapulco bar
{} Solo gigolos
The flowers wilt
{} Nosegay ages on
The gigolos talk about the good old days: *1
{} Rio memoir
Ned puts on his best act:
{} I, man, am regal; a German am I
In walks Stella:
{} Wow!
Al thinks it can't work out. Ed disagrees: *1
{} No! It can. -- Action!
Ed gets to Della before Ned: *1
{} Decadent Ned aced
These androgynous, unisex, transsexual times:
{} Al lets Della call Ed Stella
But Ed=Stella will have to try another day:
{} Stella won no wallets
And Ned just acts sophisticated and bored: *1
{} Yawn a more roman way
Al tells the boys the best part of dinner with Stella: *1
{} "Deserts", I stressed
They could have danced, said Al: *1
{} If I had a Hi-fi
And Ed, depressed, throws a two-egg omelet at Al: *4
{} Last egg gets Al
This makes Ned think Ed will help him win his argument with Al, but *4
{} Ed is on no side
The only other person in the bar:
{} Neil, an alien
Not counting the bartender:
{} Bob, a nabob
*4 = "Go Hang a Salami! I'm a lasagna hog!", by Jon Agee, copyright 1991. Published by Farrar, Straus, Giroux in New York.
Please do not copy or transmit without acknowledgement.
Updated August 1995