Schedule ------------ Due date: 10/8/01 Summary of what should the first document contain: 1) It should have the aprroximate completion date for each step in the software process. Various phases of the software process were out-lined in the project document that we discussed in the second lecture. Make sure you think about this hard. If you deviate from the schedule "too much", I will penalize you (definition of "too much" depends on me:-)). 2) Pick a lead for each phase of the project. This person will coordinate that phase. However, each project member has to review the documents associated with that phase and "sign off" on it. Project mentors will also have to sign off on each document. 3) Infrastructure summary a) Report on what infrastructure research you have done, e.g., what tools and software you are going to use? What were the difficulties you faced? b) The location of the project web-site. This will be linked to the class homepage. c) Other organization information I should know about. Note: You should be well under way on your requirements phase. The following section from the UML book should be on your finger-tips. section 1 and section 4. Following chapters from Pfleeger's book are also recommended: Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4.