Summary for Week 3
Lecture 5 and 6:In these two lectures we covered the model checking and
several examples of properties in CTL*. We discussed two fragments of CTL* called
CTL and LTL.
Dates:Mon, 9/16/02 and Wed, 9/18/02.
Suggested reading:
- Your should read the the relevant chapters from the Clarke-Grumberg-Peled book. It
covers the semantics of CTL* in much more detail and has several other examples.
- There is a very nice paper about specification patterns by Dwyer, Avrunin, and Corbett.
The paper can be found here.
Lecture 7: We started looking at a real model checker NuSMV.
Initially, we covered a small semaphore example. The code for the
semaphore example can be found here. The lectures were
based on the following document.
Date: Fri, 9/20/02.