Summary for Week 5
Lecture 11:We focussed our discussion on the partial-order reduction
used in Verisoft. We also discussed some of the properties that Verisoft can
check for.
Date:Mon, 9/30/02.
Lecture 12: We disucssed the "4ESS heart-beat monitor" case study
performed by Verisoft. We briefly discussed a model checker called SPIN.
An overview paper on SPIN was handed out in class and students should
read that. The paper was:
The Model Checker SPIN by G.J. Holzmann.
Date:Wed, 10/2/02.
Lecture 13: We started our discussion on real-time systems. We
briefly disussed two scheduling policies: earliest deadline first (EDF)
and rate monotonic scheduling (RMS).
Date: Fri, 10/4/02.