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Alien Breed: Evolution - Episode 1 (PlayStation 3)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Based on the original Alien Breed, Alien Breed: Evolution attempts to revitalize this top-down shooter series.

Evolution uses a 3D engine and an isometric view to track the player's doomed spaceman as he tries to escape his wounded craft while aliens swarm. While the gameplay of shooting aliens, finding keys, and avoiding hazards remains the same, unlike the original titles, Evolution is a dual-stick shooter. The left stick steers movement, and the right stick controls aim.

The single player campaign for this episode takes place across five levels, with the option for online or offline co-op play. Players must collect six various weapons to defeat the "breed," which break out of the walls and floor, and seek the player out based on light, sound, and smell.

The updated Windows and PlayStation 3 release, dubbed Alien Breed: Impact, is largely identical. It includes a new "Prologue" section, redesigned aliens and a shop where upgrades can be purchased.


There are no PlayStation 3 screenshots for this game.

There are 20 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "Alien Breed: Impact" -- Windows title

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User Reviews

There are no reviews for this game.

The Press Says Sep 07, 2010 80 out of 100 80
IGN Nov 01, 2010 7.5 out of 10 75


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There is no trivia on file for this game.

Kabushi (122704) added Alien Breed: Evolution - Episode 1 (PlayStation 3) on Oct 04, 2010
Other platforms contributed by Sciere (255575) and BurningStickMan (17739)