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And Yet It Moves (Wii)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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And Yet It Moves is a platform game with puzzle elements where the goal is simply to complete each of the levels. The twist is that next to regular movement (left, right, jumping), the player is also able to rotate the game world in instances of ninety degrees, both left and right. That way, the environment can be explored in different directions. Even though it becomes possible to complete a level without the movement keys, it is mainly used for puzzles. Players need to take out enemies by moving items from the environment, guide a shadow character that mirror the player's actions, or do complex sets of platform jumping including bouncing ledges and swings. By quickly rotating, the velocity can be increased to dazzling speeds, but when the character hits the ground too fast or from too high a distance, he will be killed.

After every section there is a checkpoint and there is an unlimited amount of tries per level. The graphical style is envisioned as a world of paper cut-outs, in regard to the player's character as well as every item in the environment. There are also different themes for the levels, including fire, jungle and rocks. The game is divided into three main acts and an epilogue. Next to the main game mode, the levels can be played in competition for the fastest times, with global high score leaderboards as well as ghosts of other players.


There are no Wii screenshots for this game.

There are 40 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

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User Reviews

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The Press Says Sep 07, 2010 9 out of 10 90
Cubed3 Sep 14, 2010 9 out of 10 90
Nintendo Life Aug 26, 2010 9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars9 Stars 90
Game Critics Oct 27, 2010 9 out of 10 90
neXGam 2010 8.4 out of 10 84
D+PAD Magazine Sep 02, 2010 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars 80
Game Over Online Aug 30, 2010 80 out of 100 80
IGN Aug 27, 2010 8 out of 10 80
Game Revolution Sep 13, 2011 B 75
Nintendojo Sep 28, 2010 B- 67


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And Yet It Moves refers to the Italian phrase E pur si muove, attributed to the Italian mathematician, physicist and philosopher Galileo Galilei. It is said he muttered the phrase after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. More information about it can be found in the related links section.

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ResidentHazard (3236) added And Yet It Moves (Wii) on Aug 28, 2010
Other platforms contributed by Sciere (255575), LepricahnsGold (77010) and Mark Y (9)