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Bionic Commando (Xbox 360)

ESRB Rating
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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It has been ten years since Nathan "RAD" Spencer managed to defeat the Imperials and destroy the Albatross in Bionic Commando. Hailed as heroes he and his comrade Joseph "Super Joe" Gibson became responsible for the training of new recruits under the flag of the TASC. But when Spencer disobeyed an order from Gibson during Operation Blackout, which lead to the death of several TASC agents, Spencer was court-martialed and sentenced to death while through his actions the public changed its opinion about bionic technology leading to the cancellation of the program and the "Bionic Purge". During the purge all TASC personnel were ordered to turn in their bionics or have them forcibly removed. Some fled, others obeyed but in the end bionic technology was effectively removed from the nation - at least until terrorists from BioReign detonate an atomic bomb in Ascension City. With no military unit returning from Ground Zero once gone in, Nathan is spared his fate for now and is instead send in to deal with the situation under the promise to get new information about the where-abouts of his missing wife Emily.

In a classic 3rd-person-shooter-style, the player moves through the destroyed city, fulfilling objectives like activating a relay station and thereby deactivating a minefield and killing the countless enemies (including mechs and other deadly vehicles) blocking his way. Literally always at his side: his Bionic Arm. While it can be used to just throw a nasty punch, the built-in grappling hook is the real clue on that device. It not only allows the player to swing around fast and even climb up the highest skyscraper, it's also a handy tool to get rid of enemies and for removing other annoying obstacles. At the same time Nathan also can use normal weapons with his right hands like pistols or grenades. Besides BioReign-forces, the environment itself is also an enemy to Nathan with radioactive zones killing him almost instantly. And due to the weight of his Bionic Arm, Nathan can't swim and will drown when he falls into water.

To keep things interesting, the game features both collectibles and challenges. While the collectibles are simply hidden in the levels, challenges are offered once the player has done something, gains a new ability and such. The goals of these challenges include killing 25 enemies, making three consecutive swings or destroying three train wagons. Once a challenge has been met, the player immediately gains a bonus like better armor and often gets the same challenge again - only this time with increased requirements.

The game also features a multiplayer-mode for up to eight player featuring Deathmatch, Team-Deathmatch and Capture the Flag on small, mostly vertical maps allowing the players to make full use of the Bionic Arm the same way as in single-player.


There are no Xbox 360 screenshots for this game.

There are 23 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "Bionic Commando (2009)" -- Informal title
  • "バイオニック コマンドー" -- Japanese spelling

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User Reviews

There are no reviews for this game.

The Press Says

Giant Bomb May 17, 2009 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars 80
Vandal Online May 20, 2009 8 out of 10 80
NZGamer Jun 02, 2009 7.6 out of 10 76 May 18, 2009 75 out of 100 75
Gamervision May 26, 2009 7.25 out of 10 72
Thunderbolt Games Jun 05, 2009 7 out of 10 70
Worth Playing May 20, 2009 7 out of 10 70
Edge May 22, 2009 6 out of 10 60
DarkZero May 19, 2009 6 out of 10 60 May 26, 2009 6 out of 10 60


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By playing through Bionic Commando Rearmed and collecting some special items there, the following can be unlocked in Bionic Commando:
  • "Prototype weapon" which replaces the standard-issue Tungsten
  • "Retro Outfit" - Player model resembling the Spencer from Bionic Commando Rearmed
  • "Purple Matrix" - a key used to unlock a secret area in a later level


  • 4Players
    • 2009 – #3 Best Action-Adventure of the Year
    • 2009 – #4 Best Viral Trailer of the Year
  • Gamespot
    • 2009 - Most Despicable Use of In-game Advertising (Editors' Choice)
    • 2009 - Most Disappointing Game (Readers' Choice)
Information also contributed by lethal_guitar.

Related Web Sites

Sicarius (61025) added Bionic Commando (Xbox 360) on Jul 25, 2009
Other platforms contributed by Sicarius (61025)