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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII (Wii)

100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Blazing Angels is an air combat arcade game putting the player at the command of a fighter squadron in the Second World War. It's a pick-up-and-play type of game, with easy-to-grasp controls and an almost non existent learning curve.

The action covers the most important moments of the WWII, from the Battle for England to the bombing raids over Berlin, but also warps a bit the history to make for some entertaining if fictitious moments (i.e. you get to fly over Normandy on D-Day, save the day at Pearl Harbor, etc). The gameplay is quite varied, with about 18 flyable planes during the SP campaign (fighters, recon planes, dive, torpedo and level bombers) and diverse tasks and locations that prevent the game from being overly repetitive, despite a general dogfighting approach. The basic squadron command system and the specific abilities of the wingmen lend a bit of a tactical flavor to the game.

There are a dozen multiplayer game modes available: solo (Dogfight, Seek and Destroy & Aces High), co-op (Dogfight, Onslaught, Bombing Run, Kamikaze and Historical Missions) and squad-based (Dogfight, Capture the Base, Bombing Run and Kamikaze).


There are no Wii screenshots for this game.

There are 40 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "熾焰飛將" -- Chinese spelling (traditional)
  • "炽天使:二战空骑兵" -- Chinese spelling (simplified)
  • "Ангелы Смерти: Асы Второй Мировой" -- Russian spelling

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User Reviews

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The Press Says

Nintendo Front May 15, 2007 81 out of 100 81
Gamigo Apr 26, 2007 7.9 out of 10 79 Apr 17, 2007 79 out of 100 79
Official Nintendo Magazine Jan 08, 2008 70 out of 100 70 Apr 06, 2007 7 out of 10 70 Apr 13, 2007 65 out of 100 65
GameSpot Mar 26, 2007 6.2 out of 10 62
IGN Mar 22, 2007 5.7 out of 10 57 Mar 27, 2007 11 out of 20 55
GameSpy Apr 11, 2007 2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars 40


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Related Web Sites

Yearman (18492) added Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII (Wii) on Jun 11, 2007
Other platforms contributed by Kabushi (122704) and Eduard Pandele (23)