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Carcassonne (Xbox 360)

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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Carcassonne is a turn-based strategy game for 2 to 5 players based on the German board game of the same name. By playing land tiles one by one, players build up a landscape of cities, roads, farms, and monasteries. Players compete to claim control of the features they build with a limited supply of follower pieces. Judging where to play the tiles and when to use a follower or not is a deceptively simple process - yet the depth of the game stems from judging when and where to use the followers to gain the most points.

Since the land tiles are random for each game, it has infinite replayability. Knowing which tiles are still left in the "deck" is a bit like counting cards in blackjack - the skilled player will beat the luck of the draw every time. Therefore one-to-one games play quite differently than with 4 or 5 players.

The game is playable with 4 players on the same console on one TV in roughly 15 minutes and also with 5 players via Xbox Live. Next to the base game it also includes the "The River" expansion by default. It builds a river of 12 extra tiles before each game, dividing the land in halves.


Carcassonne Xbox 360 Main Menu

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The Press Says

FileFactory Games / Gameworld Network Sep 04, 2007 94 out of 100 94
TeamXbox Jun 26, 2007 8.9 out of 10 89
VGcore Aug 08, 2007 8.5 out of 10 85
Deaf Gamers Aug 01, 2007 8.4 out of 10 84
IGN Jun 28, 2007 8 out of 10 80
Game Over Online Jul 23, 2007 80 out of 100 80
GamesFirst! Jul 11, 2007 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars 80
TalkXbox Jul 08, 2007 73 out of 100 73
HonestGamers Jul 05, 2007 7 out of 10 70 (UK) Jul 08, 2007 7 out of 10 70


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1001 Video Games

Carcassone appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Freeware release

The game was made available for free on 15th November 2007 to all 8 million Xbox Live members to celebrate the fifth birthday of the service, except for Korea, where they received Hexic 2.

Related Web Sites

Jason Robar (12) added Carcassonne (Xbox 360) on Jul 28, 2007