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Hardwood Backgammon (Xbox 360)

ESRB Rating
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Hardwood Backgammon is an electronic conversion the Backgammon board game. It stays true to the original game, but offers a few options to alter the rules, such as determining the number of match points to win the game (with a maximum of 129 points) or disallowing use of the doubling cube. The game can be played alone, with three different difficulty levels, or against another player as both local and online multiplayer games are supported. Also included is a number of tutorials that explain the basic rules. Pressing a button rolls the dice and after that all open moves can be cycled to insert checkers. Dots indicate where the pieces can land. However, indicators do not mark where a checker could move if you combine dice totals, a feature sometimes supported by other titles.


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The Press Says

Wham! gaming Jan 25, 2006 7.6 out of 10 76
IGN Feb 08, 2006 6.8 out of 10 68
GameSpot Jan 13, 2006 6.8 out of 10 68
XBox Evolved Feb 20, 2006 6.5 out of 10 65
Games Radar Apr 17, 2006 6 out of 10 60
TeamXbox Jan 03, 2006 6 out of 10 60


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Sciere (255575) added Hardwood Backgammon (Xbox 360) on Aug 07, 2010