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On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode Two (PlayStation 3)

missing cover art
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode Two is the second part in the Penny Arcade Adventures series and takes off where Episode One left off. The player can create his/her own character to rid a steampunk 1922 version of the U.S. of Fruit Fucker robots with. The main characters of the Penny Arcade comics (Gabe and Tycho) quickly join the player's ranks. It is also possible to import the character used in the first episode.

Gameplay is similar to the first episode with turn based RPG combat and item searching similar to adventure games. In combat the longer the player waits with performing an attack the more damage it does, but in the meantime the enemy has its change to do damage to the player's characters. Blocking attacks has been made simpler in this sequel.

The game features many new enemies. Destroyed Fruit Fucker robots can be harvested for parts which can be used to upgrade weapons.


There are no PlayStation 3 screenshots for this game.

Alternate Titles

  • "Над Пропастью Во Тьме Часть 2" -- Russian spelling

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User Reviews

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The Press Says

TotalPlayStation Feb 02, 2009 8.5 out of 10 85
PSX Extreme Dec 20, 2008 8 out of 10 80
Thunderbolt Games Jan 19, 2009 8 out of 10 80


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vedder (20184) added On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode Two (PlayStation 3) on Jun 19, 2010
Other platforms contributed by vedder (20184)