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Outpost Kaloki X (Xbox 360)

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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
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Outpost Kaloki X is the Xbox 360 Live Arcade version of the humorous space station tycoon game Outpost Kaloki. You manage an interstellar space station with various ports that can be equipped for space travellers, constantly balancing operating costs against revenue. You can focus on entertainment, commercial activities or science, but you also have to construct buildings, provide enough power and repair all your structures. Every port can be micromanaged for content and price, and you can upgrade to new expansions and sell the old ones. At the same time, you have to keep an eye out for alien attacks or asteroids.

There are two story modes: Adventure and War, with goals for each mission, based on shielding off attacks, constructing buildings or getting revenues. There are seven races and 50 space stations to play with. Like most tycoon games, there is also a sandbox mode where you can play without objectives or restrictions. Soon after the release, additional scenarios and picture packs were made available.


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User Reviews

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The Press Says

XBox Front Jan 27, 2006 85 out of 100 85
TalkXbox Jan 04, 2006 83 out of 100 83
Game Chronicles Mar 08, 2006 8 out of 10 80
AceGamez Apr 30, 2006 8 out of 10 80 (UK) Aug 21, 2006 8 out of 10 80
IGN Dec 12, 2005 7.9 out of 10 79
GameSpot Dec 15, 2005 7.1 out of 10 71
Games Radar Apr 21, 2006 7 out of 10 70
Video Game Talk Mar 25, 2006 3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars 70
Planet Xbox 360 Jan 04, 2006 6 out of 10 60


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Stratege (15341) added Outpost Kaloki X (Xbox 360) on Aug 22, 2006