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Overlord II (Xbox 360)

ESRB Rating
100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.
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Well things didn't go so well for the Overlord at the end of Overlord: Raising Hell. Although he managed to defeat the final boss and claim hell itself for his vast empire, the Jester once again crossed his plans and doomed him to forever be trapped down there. But was it really the end of the Overlord? Not really. He may be gone (for now) but he left something behind: his son, the Overlad. Smuggled to the icy lands of Nordberg, he managed to grow up in peace until his evil instincts surfaced and he was found by the Empire. Although he managed to escape, he fell into ice water and was doomed to freeze to death. But not to worry: Minion-master Gnarl finds his new master and after 50 years frozen solid it's finally time for vengeance upon the Glorious Empire and its leaders.

This time setting up shop in the Netherworld, the player takes over the control of the Overlad from a 3rd-person-perspective in order to reclaim the lands. To help him with that task he has once again access to four different types of minions: browns, reds, greens and blues. While the browns are good melee-fighters, the greens are immune to poisonous gas and the blues can swim. This comes in handy for the player to overcome the many obstacles in his way like angry elves and legion soldiers or burning road-blocks which can only be removed by the reds. Again the minions increase their strength by collecting helmets and stuff from dead enemies or broken chests. The Overlad can also increase his strength by finding new spells, armor and weapons and forging the latter in return for a minion-sacrifice in his tower. New this time around is the option to resurrect fallen but valuable minions as well as the ability of the minions to ride mounts like wolves, giving them access to new skills like jumping over obstacles and such. Also new: at specific points the Overlad can take direct control of one of his minion and by doing so access areas that were unreachable before.

The game also features a multiplayer-mode for two players over LAN, WAN and thanks to split-screen even on one machine in which they can either work together to survive wave after wave of enemies or kill a very powerful Centurion or fight each other and win by collecting enough gold or killing the other Overlord enough times.


There are no Xbox 360 screenshots for this game.

There are 41 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.

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The Press Says

The A.V. Club Jun 29, 2009 A- 91
Vandal Online Jun 26, 2009 8.5 out of 10 85
Cynamite Jul, 2009 8 out of 10 80
Official XBox Magazine Jun 24, 2009 8 out of 10 80 (UK) Jun 22, 2009 8 out of 10 80
Xbox360Achievements Jul 03, 2009 76 out of 100 76 Jun 29, 2009 72 out of 100 72
TotalVideoGames (TVG) Jun 26, 2009 7 out of 10 70 Jul 01, 2009 65 out of 100 65
Teletext 2009 6 out of 10 60


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Sicarius (61025) added Overlord II (Xbox 360) on Jun 22, 2009
Other platforms contributed by Sicarius (61025)