Saints Row 2 (PlayStation 3)
Published by Developed by Released Also For |
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100 point score based on reviews from various critics. 4.2
5 point score based on user ratings. |
At the end of Saints Row the city of Stillwater was in the hands of the 3rd Street Saints. But the main protagonist also got blown up on Mayor Alderman's yacht, putting him in a coma. So things went down from there.Two years have passed now and the main protagonist finally wakes up from his sleep only to find himself in prison and the city of Stillwater controlled by several rival gangs with Johnny Gat about to be put on the electric chair. With the help of Carlos, a fellow inmate, the protagonist escapes, rescues Johnny Gat and once again begins to reform the gang and move the 3rd Street Saints back up to number 1.
Before the player can enter the open and non-linear environment of the city, he needs to define who the main protagonist is by using an extensive character creator which allows for changing everything from gender to the size of the characters ears and the voice acting. But that's not the limit of customization in Saints Row 2. In shops scattered all around the city the player can buy additional clothing from underwear to hats to not only change his appearance but also the gang's. These clothes are then also available in the up to six cribs the player can unlock and buy during the course of the game. Besides changing his appearance, the player can also stash weapons and cash there, withdraw the daily earnings, rewatch cutscenes and more. He can also change the overall style of the crib and bu new stuff like a TV-set which grants him additional style points.
Style and Respect are the most important currencies besides money in the city. While respect is used to unlock missions and progress through the storyline, the player's style affects the overall respect modifier increasing the amount of respect earned. As stated style points are earned by upgrading the characters look, home or car. Respect points are instead earned through the many activities and diversions available in the city.
Activities are mini-games that are started at a one of two specific points in the game world and span out over six difficulty levels. After completing three levels, the player gains unlockables like a 5% discount on clothes. Besides activities already known from Saints Row, Saints Row 2 includes six new ones including "Crowd Control" in which the player needs to protect a VIP from intrusive fans and "FUZZ", a parody of COPS in which the player is followed by a camera crew and has to deal with criminals in a very creative manner to gain points. Diversions on the other hand include the simple driving on the wrong side of the road, doing stunts, playing poker in a casino, hijacking a car with more than one person in it and taking the passengers hostage and doing the job side-missions like driving the tow-truck or playing taxi.
The game also features several multiplayer modes ranging from a two-person coop-mode to twelve player deathmatch ("Gansta Brawl") and team-deathmatch ("Team Gangsta Brawl" and a mode called "Strong Arm" in which the team wins that manages to earn $100.000 first. This is accomplished by winning events based on single player activities like racing. Each activity has a time limit and at the end the winner goes home with $10.000.
There are no PlayStation 3 screenshots for this game.
There are 40 other screenshots on file for other versions of this game.
Alternate Titles
- "黑街聖徒2" -- Taiwan spelling
Part of the Following Groups
- BPjS / BPjM indexed games
- Gameplay feature: Chainsaws
- Gameplay feature: Quick Time Events / QTEs
- Games with classical music
- Genre: Open world / Free-roaming / Sandbox action and driving
- Middleware: LipSync
- Physics Engine: Havok
- Protagonist: Gangster
- Saints Row series
User Reviews
There are no reviews for the PlayStation 3 release of this game. You can use the links below to write your own review or read reviews for the other platforms of this game.
The Press Says
ZTGameDomain | Oct, 2008 | 9.2 out of 10 | 92 |
Playstation Illustrated | Oct, 2008 | 92 out of 100 | 92 |
Game Chronicles | Oct 15, 2008 | 9 out of 10 | 90 |
Game Informer Magazine | Oct, 2008 | 8.75 out of 10 | 88 |
Extreme Gamer | Oct 20, 2008 | 8.7 out of 10 | 87 |
Worth Playing | Jan 16, 2009 | 8.5 out of 10 | 85 | | Oct 14, 2008 | 8 out of 10 | 80 |
Playstation Universe | Oct 26, 2008 | 8 out of 10 | 80 |
Middle East Gamers (MEgamers) | Oct 28, 2008 | 8 out of 10 | 80 |
GameCell UK | Nov, 2008 | 7 out of 10 | 70 |
There are currently no topics for this game.
1001 Video Games
Saints Row 2 appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.German version
There are a number of changes in the German version. The Windows version requires a Steam verification and is region locked, i.e. an uncut version can't be activated when the player has a German IP address.- The cutscenes were heavily cut, e.g. violent scenes, attacks on unarmed people and drug use. The screen goes to black with the text "Wir bitten um Verzeihung - sehr böse Dinge passieren hinter diesem schwarzen Bildschirm!" ("Many apologies - very bad things happen behind this black screen!"). The audio and subtitles are still there.
- All blood effects (except when shooting meat and in cutscenes) were removed.
- Ragdoll effects on people (except after explosions and when they are hit by a car) and corpses were removed.
- Killed enemies disappear almost instantly. This means the possibility to revive killed people with the defibrillator is also gone.
- There are no flames on burning people; only black smoke. They also don't scream.
- People only leave money behind if completely killed.
- The option to take a human shield was removed both for the player and for the AI. This affects some missions.
- During the fight club sequences, the finishing move quicktime events when an enemy reaches the bottom of his health were removed. Players have to finish off all enemies the hard way.
- Likewise the finishing moves with the katana were removed.
- The respect growth for performing combat moves like headshots was removed.
- Some activities were removed: the amok drive with a burning vehicle, Fuzz (wreak chaos for a TV reality show), vandalism (earning money by destroying property) and being the bodyguard of a celebrity. Because of this, some of the unlockables are not reachable for German players.
- The mini games Zombie Uprising (arcade) and drive-by were removed. During the pimping mini game, the screams of lust were removed.
- During the first main mission, the player has to kill a prison doctor to progress. This was removed in the German version.
- The cheats for getting the flame thrower, chainsaw and explosive charge were removed.
- The "Zombie Carlos" companion was removed.
- The texts in the German version differ from the German texts in the regular version, e.g. the game avoids the words "töten" ("kill") or "Nutte" ("hooker").
- Various "number of killed x" statistics were removed.
- Xbox 360 version: a few achievements, mostly related to missing game content, were removed and the gamerscore divided between other achievements.
Related Web Sites
- IGCD Internet Game Cars Database (Game page on IGCD, a database that tries to archive vehicles found in video games.)
- Saints Row 2 (official game website)
- Wikipedia: Saints Row 2 (article in the open encyclopedia)
- X360A achievement guide (X360A's achievement guide for Saints Row 2.)
There are no game credits on file for this release of the game. Everything in MobyGames is contributable by users.