Skin Shader
The goal of this project is introducing a scheme to implement a shader (for rendering hardware) for human-skin. Basic idea is preprocessing geometry to obtain the information about transparent layers of skin and approximating it with a simple functions. Unfortunately, this project is at its very early stage, so the picture right is not a synthesized picture but real photograph of my hand. However, it will be replaced with rendered one with similar quality, soon. |
XP-like FLTK
FLTK (The Fast Light Toolkit) is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit. It is easy-to-use, extreamly flexible, and efficient. However, for me it does not look beautiful. This everyday but very minor project is for making my own widget set that makes FlTk application look like a MS Windows XP(R) application and some of MS Office XP(R). The current version of the widget set supports Windows-like file dialog, highlighting buttons, MS Office-like (or MS IE6(R)) menu and toolbar, and docking windows. |