Each week you have an assigned weekly reading to which you will submit an email response. These responses will be used to shape the week's lecture and discussion.


  1. Send in the email body, not an attachment. Please use sparingly: you may submit solutions to exercises as a pdf if not possible to do so in an email body.
  2. CC the course graders, Ritu (rraut2 'at' wisc 'dot' edu) and Shubham (agarwal68 'at' wisc 'dot' edu)
  3. Submit by 4pm central time on Monday of the week due.
  4. Send an email to jphanna@cs.wisc.edu with subject line “CS 839: Response for mm/dd” where mm/dd is the date of the Monday when the reading is due.

Possible response types:

  1. Questions
  2. Solutions to exercises in the book.
  3. Critiques or suggestions for extensions.
  4. What you want to learn more about.
  5. Thoughts on what you find most important.
In general, there is not a specific required length or number of responses to submit. For your grade, I'm looking for evidence that the reading was completed so it will be helpful to have some mention of a variety of the read scetions throughout your responses. For example, week 1 had two assigned chapters. If your response only concerned chapter 2 then there isn't evidence that chapter 3 was read.

The following are comments / questions from students in week 1 that can serve as a useful model for crafting your responses.