Project Page

A major component of your course grade is based upon the completion of a final project. This project must include an implementation component and scientific evaluation of the implementation.

You have two choices for the type of project you do:

  1. Application Project: Choose a domain of interest, define an RL problem in that domain, and apply an RL algorithm to solve the problem.
  2. Algorithm Project: Propose a modification to an RL algorithm that we read about in class or you read about elsewhere. Demonstrate that the modification leads to some type of improvement over the original algorithm.
By default, projects should be completed individually. If you would like to form a team of up to 2 people, please discuss with me beforehand. You will each need to write a separate proposal, survey, and final report. Each report should clearly describe the contribution of each team member.

Project Proposal

Your first task is to write a project proposal describing what you will do for your project, what your goals are, and how you will evaluate success.

Send the proposal as a plain text email with the subject line "CS 839: Project Proposal."

You will receive full credit if the following questions are answered:

The more precise you write your proposal, the more helpful my feedback can be. I'm also happy to discuss projects before the proposal is due.

Literature Survey

Your second task is to write a literature survey that covers the relevant research literature on your project topic. This survey will have three sections:
  1. Summarize the plan for your project and any changes to it since the proposal was submitted. If nothing has changed since the proposal, simply state that.
  2. (Most important) The actual literature survey.
  3. A bibliography with full citations for each included reference.
Note that the survey will become a component in the final project report.

Literature Survey Guidelines:

  1. Use of Latex is highly encouraged for type-setting your survey and final report. is a great resource for quickly creating Latex projects in a browser.
  2. Citations go at the end of sentences.
  3. Citations are not nouns. Don't say "(Smith et al. 2020) applied policy gradient RL." Say "Smith et al. applied policy gradient RL (2020)."

Final Project Implementation and Report


Empirical Analysis:

You should carefully consider any feedback you received on homeworks 3 and 4 when conducting your empirical analysis.
