Show Random Quote 1.0 How to install: 1. Create a folder on your server. You may call it whatever you want, but i suggest "quotes". 2. Upload theese to files into the folder; quotes.php, quotes.txt 3. Edit the output-line in quotes.php (line 22) in your own suitable way. 4. Insert the following lines in your php-document where you want the quote to be displayed: (Check example.php) ----------------------------- $path = "quotes/"; // The path to quotes.php and quotes.txt include($path . "quotes/quotes.php"); ----------------------------- 5. Enjoy! Editing the quotes.txt - file: ------------------------------ Every single line represent a quote. And all the characters before the double colon (::) is the quote itself. The following characters is the author of the quote. If you don't know who said or wrote the quote it's often best to just write "unknown" rather than writing noting at all. For instance: Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.::Albert Einstein (You'll guess what's what yourself, I hope!)