Decentralized Seminar Series at UW Madison

Talk: ETL in the Context of Blockchains

Speaker: Dylan Melotik (Messari)
Date: Mon, 03/27/23
Time: 12pm
Location: Online


Blockchain data has become “hot” in the crypto world. With easy access to node endpoints, data is easily accessible for any developer or data scientist. With these solutions there is no framework to transform the data. The graph is a protocol that makes organizing and querying data easily accessible to developer teams. However, it lacks processing speed, which makes development cycles long, especially for high throughput chains. Substreams, a powerful, parallel blockchain indexing solution solves this. We will dive into how this transformation-layer compute engine fits into blockchain ETL.


Previously a technical lead for the Badger Blockchain club at University of Wisconsin. Dylan is currently a software engineer at Messari working on ingesting and transforming on chain data. He eared his B.S. in computer science and a certificate of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.