CS/ECE/STAT-861: Theoretical Foundations of Machine LearningUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2023
OverviewThis class will cover fundamental and advanced theoretical topics in Machine Learning. We will focus on several paradigms of learning (such as supervised/unsupervised learning, online learning, and sequential decision-making) and examine questions such as: Under what conditions can we learn and generalize from a limited amount of data? How hard is a given learning problem? How good is a learning algorithm and is it optimal for the given problem? When making decisions under uncertainty, how do we trade-off between learning about the environment and achieving our goal? We will use tools from several areas related to machine learning, such as statistics, algorithms, information theory, and game theory. This course will be primarily targeted towards PhD students who intend to do research in theoretical machine learning and statistics. InstructorKirthevasan Kandasamy. LecturesMonday, Wednesday, and Friday. 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. ENGR HALL 3349. Topics
PrerequisitesCS761 or equivalent. I may waive this requirement, but it is the student's responsibility to have an adequate background in probability, statistics, calculus, and algorithms. I will not be doing a review of these topics at the beginning of the class. I will release a set of diagnostic questions as Homework 0 at the beginning of class. While you are not expected to know the solutions right away, you should be able to solve most of the questions with reasonable effort after looking up any references if necessary. Recommended textbooksWe will not be following a textbook in this class. However, the following texts are excellent references.
LogisticsCanvas: We will use canvas for homeworks and exams. Piazza: Please sign up for the class on piazza via this link. See the Canvas announcement for the access code.
GradingYour grade will be determined by scribing, homeworks, a take-home exam, and a course project. See the grading page for more details. |