Critical Thinking

Have a project due for class?

These are some interesting ideas to explore:

  1. Analyze the story problems in a math book used at your school. What activities are women and girls, men and boys, engaged in? Draw conclusions and present them to your class.

  2. Prepare a talk about a woman famous in a math or science- related field. Emphasize any obstacles (including those related to sex) this woman had to overcome in order to reach her position of leadership or personal success. If she faced no serious obstacles, how do you account for this? Mention her family¹s attitudes toward her career, along with problems of special strengths she may have had.

  3. Analyze the content of a science textbook used at your school. Tally the number of girls shown participating in science activities versus the number of boys. Does one sex seem to be ²doing² while the other sex is ²watching²? Is there a marked difference in the kinds of activities girls are shown doing versus those boys are shown doing? Tally the number of male teachers in illustrations versus female teachers. Also look at biographical information about scientists, past and present. How many of these practicing scientists are men? How many are women? Analyze your findings and draw some conclusions.

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