
Listservers are email discussion groups that you can join. All you need is an email account and you can start immediately! This index of listservers is from a talk given at the Community Networking: the International Free-Net Conference by Leslie Regan Shade.

ECHO: East Coast Hang Out. Subscription requests: HORN@ECHONYC.COM

EDUCOM-W: Moderated list for issues of technology and education that are of interest to women. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@BITNIC (Bitnet), or LISTSERV@BITNIC.EDUCOM.EDU (Internet).

FEMAIL: For feminists around the world. Open to both men and women. Subscription requests to: FEMAILREQUEST@LUCERNE.ENG.SUN.COM (Internet).

FEMECON-L: List for feminist economists. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@BUCKNELL.EDU (Internet).

FEMINISM-DIGEST: Digest form of soc.feminism available via email. Subscription requests: FEMINISM-DIGEST@NCAR.UCAR.EDU (Internet) or FEMINISM-DIGEST%NCAR.UCAR.EDU@NCARIO (Bitnet).

FEMINIST( owned by the Feminist Task Force of the American Library Association). Issues including sexism in libraries and librarianship; pornography and censorship in libraries, and racism and ethnic diversity in librarianship. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@MITVMA (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (Internet).

FEMISA: Discussion list re: feminism, gender, women and international relations. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@CSF.COLORADO.EDU(Internet).

FEMREL-L : Women and religion and feminist theology. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@MIZZOU1 (Bitnet).

FIST (Feminism in/and Science and Technology): Unmoderated list for discussion of feminism and science and technology. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@DAWN.HAMPSHIRE.EDU (Internet).

GAYNET: list focusing on gay and lesbian concerns on college campuses. Subscription messages should be sent to GAYNET-REQUEST@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Internet).

GENDER: Moderated list devoted to issues re: gender and communication. Subscription requests to: COMSERVE@RPITSVM (Bitnet) or COMSERVE@VM.ITS.RPI.EDU (Internet).

GEGSTAFF: Discussion of sexuality and gender in geography, Subscription requests: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU (Internet) or LISTERV@UKCC.

GLB-NEWS: "read-only depository of information for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, and sympathetic persons." Subscription requests: LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Internet).

GEOGFEM: Gender issues in geography. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU (Internet) or LISTSERV@UKCC.

HELWA-LL List for Malaysian women in the U.S. and Canada. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@PSUVM (Bitnet).

KOL-ISHA: Moderated list for halachic questions and issues concerning women's roles in Judaism. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@ISRAEL.NYSERNET.ORG (Internet).

LIS: Lesbians in Science and is a list for lesbians in industry, universities, government labs, etc. Subscription requests: ZITA@JUNO.PHYSICS.WISC.EDU; send postings to LIS@JUNO.PHYSICS.WISC.EDU.

MAIL-MEN: forum for discussion of men's issues. Subscription requests: MAIL-MEN-REQUEST@USL.COM(Internet).

MEDFEM-L: List for feminist medievalists. Subscription requests to: LISTSERV@INDYCMS (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (Internet).

NOGLSTP: The National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals. Subscription requests to NOGLSTP-REQUEST@ELROY.JPL.NASA.GOV.

PRO-FEMINIST MEN'S ISSUES MAILING LIST: for both men and women. Subscription requests: JYANOWITZ@HAMP.HAMPSHIRE.EDU (Internet).

SAPPHO: forum and support group for gay and bisexual women. Membership is open to all women and is limited to women. Subscription requests: contact SAPPHO-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU (Internet).

SASH (Sociologists Against Sexual Harassment): Moderated list focusing on sexual harassment. Subscription requests: Phoebe M. Stambaugh, AZPXS@ASUACAD (Bitnet) or


SOUTH ASIAN WOMEN'S NET: Discussion group for women from the South Asian countries re concerns of South Asian women. Women only. Subscription requests: USUBRAMA@MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU or to SUSANC@HELIX.NIH.GOV

SSSSTALK: List for professional researchers, clinicians, educators, and students in the field of sexuality. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@TAMVM1 (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU (Internet).

STOPRAPE: Sexual assault activist list. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@BROWNVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU (Internet).

SWIP-L: Society for Women in Philosophy. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@CFRVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU (Internet).

SYSTERS: For professional women only in computer science. Subscription requests: Anita Borg at Please put "addsyster" in the subject field of the message.

WIML-L (Women's Issues in Music Librarianship). Subscription requests: Laura Gayle Green, LGREEN@IUBVM (Bitnet).

WIPHYS: Moderated list for issues of concern to women in physics. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@NYSERNET.ORG (Internet).

WIRE: Women;s Information Retrieval and Exchange Nancy Rhine ( Forthcoming: "a new online communication service offering fast- breaking news stories and lively conversations on the issues impacting women's lives today. Includes databases on topics such as health information, referral services, womenıs colleges/studies, financial tips. and professional and political women's organizations."

WISENET: List for women in science, mathematics, and engineering. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@UICVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@UICVM.UIC.EDU (Internet).

WMN-HLTH: Women's Health Electronic News Line, started by the Center for Women's Health Research. Subscription requests: LISTSERV@UWAVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@UWAVM.U.WASHINGTON.EDU (Internet).

WMST-L: Forum for women's studies academics. Subscription requests: WMST-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU (Internet), or LISTSERV@UMDD.

WOMEN: general purpose list for women and women's groups. Subscription request: WOMEN-REQUEST@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Internet)

WON, the Women's Online Network: Electronic political group for women whose aim is to distribute information and aid in political action. Subscription request and info: contact the co-founders at CARMELA@ECHONYC.COM or HORN@ECHONYC.COM (Internet); phone: (212) 255-3839.

WOW, Women on the Well. Women-only. Subscription requests: vice: 415-332-4335

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