Home Address:

48, N Orchard St #2

Madison WI 53715


Email: karthikj@cs.wisc.edu

Office Address :

5388 Dept. of Computer Sciences

1210 W Dayton St.

Madison WI 53706


Karthik Jayaraman


An full-time position starting Summer 2006, in the areas of Operating Systems, Database Systems.


University of Wisconsin, Madison

M.S. Computer Science, May 2006 (Expected)

·       Currently doing courses in Pervasive Parallelism and Computer Vision

·      GPA: 4.0


BITS, Pilani India

B.E. (Hons.) Computer Science, June 2004

·      GPA: 10.0/10.0


Amazon.com, Seattle WA, USA                                                                                 Summer Intern, June 2005 - Aug 2005

·      Was a part of the Automated Advertising group and worked on projects related to Sponsored links

·      Wrote a new Ad Generator for browse pages in Amazon.com and worked on tools for tracking some important performance metrics of the ads using Perl as the scripting language

Department of  Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Trento, Italy

Research Intern, Jan 2004 – June 2004

·       Incorporated features of Monitoring and fine grained Trust and Delegation in Tropos, a requirements-driven software development methodology.

·       Built the model using Datalog and the ‘dlv’ tool


University of Wisconsin, Madison

Teaching Assistant (current)

·      TA for the course cs537 - Introduction to Operating Systems – Involves helping out students with projects and grading the projects

Teaching Assistant (Spring 2005)

·       TA for the course cs302 – Introduction to Programming – Worked as a lab consultant helping students with their assignments

Teaching Assistant, (Fall 2004)

·       TA for the course cs367 – Introduction to Data Structures – Duties involved setting assignments and grading them.


Thread detection in a Virtual Machine Monitor(VMM) (cs736) – group of 2: Worked on inferring information about the software abstractions of a Virtual Machine, from the VMM. Specifically, worked on detecting the creation, termination and the switches of processes and threads within the VM. Also detected the execution of the idle thread inside the VM.

Phase-based branch predictor selection(cs752) – group of 4: Minimized the branch prediction misses and thus improved the IPC for number of workloads by choosing an appropriate configuration for the branch predictor, based on repeating phases of execution in  program. Performed similar analysis for cache sizes also.

Optimization by query reordering using the buffer-pool(cs764) – group of 2: Minimized the total IO cost of a set of queries by reordering them according to the access patterns of the queries and the contents of the buffer pool. Developed heuristics that perform better than the optimal scheduling algorithm.

Development of a Spreadsheet application for the BITS Linux OS – group of 2: Created a simple spreadsheet application in Java, as a part of the Office Suite developed for BITS Linux

Comparison of VPN Architectures: Studied different VPN architectures and proposed an architecture for the BITS network.

Formal Framework for specifying and verifying security properties: Worked on integration of Type systems for Mobility and Secrecy in verification of security protocols.


·       Operating Systems: Win 98/NT/2k/Xp, Linux, Unix

·       Languages: C, Java, Perl, C++, x86 Assembly language, VerilogHDL, Datalog,VB

·      Others: SQL, MATLAB, Oracle PL/SQL, ASP.NET, DLV, MPI programming, Simplescalar.


University of Wisconsin, Madison
cs838 - Pervasive Parallelism (current)
cs766 - Computer Vision (current)
cs736 - Advanced Operating Systems (Grade: A)
cs752 - Advanced Computer Architecture (Grade: A)
cs764 - Topics in Database Management Systems (Grade: A)
cs787 - Advanced Algorithms (Grade: A)

BITS, Pilani India:
Data Structures & Algorithms, Advanced Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Database Systems, Programming Languages & Compiler Construction, Computers & Programming, Digital Electronics &Computer Organization, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Programming.


Gold Medalist: Awarded Gold Medal of BITS, Pilani for the academic year 2003-04
Merit Scholarship: Awarded for 8 continuous semesters at BITS, Pilani              NTSE Scholarship: Awarded by National Council for Education Research and Training(NCERT) for academic excellence.
Programming awards: Won prizes in various programming contests like “Code Rash”, “C programming contest”, “Flexible software” as a part of APOGEE 2003, an all-india intercollegiate Tech festival of BITS, Pilani.