CS/ECE 752 Advanced Computer Architecture I

Spring 2007
Instructor: Karu Sankaralingam; URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~karu
Meeting time: MECH ENGR 1143, 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM, MWF
Office hours: Monday,Wednesday 3-4pm, Thursday: 11-12am
TA: Derek Hower
Course URL: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~karu/courses/cs752/Spring2007/
Mailing list: compsci752-1-s07@lists.wisc.edu




Computer Science Lab

The Computer Science Lab provides official computing for this class.





I will soon add information for Verilog, GPU tools, and FPGA tools. If you need this information now come talk to me.