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One of Each

Raw image of automaton One of Each.

One of Each only accepts strings that have one A and one B; that is, only AB and BA. Note how the top of this image is slightly defocused, which the feature extraction is robust to.

Annotated Image

Annotated image of automaton One of Each.

Program Specification

;;; Preamble
(set-logic ALL)

;;; State Definitions
(define-fun is-state ((q Int)) Bool
    (and (< (- 1) q) (< q 5)))

(define-fun is-accepting ((q Int)) Bool
    (or (= q 3)))

(declare-fun IS () Int)
(assert (is-state IS))
(assert (not (= 0 IS)))

;;; Transition Definitions
(declare-fun T (Int String) Int)

;; All transitions must go to a valid state
(assert (forall ((q Int) (symb String))
    (=> (is-state q) (is-state (T q symb)))))

;; It must not be possible to leave the zero state
(assert (forall ((symb String)) (= 0 (T 0 symb))))

;; Defined transitions
(assert (= 1 (T 2 "A")))
(assert (= 3 (T 1 "B")))
(assert (= 3 (T 4 "A")))
(assert (= 4 (T 2 "B")))

;; Negative transitions
(assert (forall ((symb String))
    (=> (not (or (= symb "B")))
        (= 0 (T 1 symb)))))
(assert (forall ((symb String))
    (=> (not (or (= symb "A") (= symb "B")))
        (= 0 (T 2 symb)))))
(assert (forall ((symb String))
    (=> (not (or false))
        (= 0 (T 3 symb)))))
(assert (forall ((symb String))
    (=> (not (or (= symb "A")))
        (= 0 (T 4 symb)))))
;;; Examples
(define-fun-rec exec-dfa ((q Int) (input String)) Bool
    (ite (= 0 (str.len input))
         (is-accepting q)
         (exec-dfa (T q (str.at input 0)) (str.substr input 1 (- (str.len input) 1)))))

;; Positive
(assert (exec-dfa IS "AB"))

;; Negative
(assert (not (exec-dfa IS "BB")))
;;; Postamble

Synthesized Program

  (define-fun IS () Int
  (define-fun T ((x!0 Int) (x!1 String)) Int
    (let ((a!1 (or (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (<= 3 x!0)
                        (not (<= 4 x!0))
                        (not (= x!1 "A"))
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (<= 3 x!0)
                        (not (<= 4 x!0))
                        (= x!1 "A")
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (<= 3 x!0)
                        (<= 4 x!0)
                        (not (= x!1 "A"))
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (not (<= 3 x!0))
                        (not (= x!1 "A"))
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (not (<= 2 x!0))
                        (= x!1 "A")
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (not (<= 1 x!0)) (= x!1 "A") (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (not (<= 1 x!0)) (= x!1 "B"))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0) (<= 2 x!0) (<= 3 x!0) (<= 4 x!0) (= x!1 "B"))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (<= 3 x!0)
                        (not (<= 4 x!0))
                        (= x!1 "B"))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (not (<= 2 x!0))
                        (not (= x!1 "A"))
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (not (<= 1 x!0)) (not (= x!1 "A")) (not (= x!1 "B")))))
          (a!2 (or (and (<= 1 x!0)
                        (<= 2 x!0)
                        (<= 3 x!0)
                        (<= 4 x!0)
                        (= x!1 "A")
                        (not (= x!1 "B")))
                   (and (<= 1 x!0) (not (<= 2 x!0)) (= x!1 "B"))))
          (a!3 (ite (and (<= 1 x!0)
                         (<= 2 x!0)
                         (not (<= 3 x!0))
                         (= x!1 "A")
                         (not (= x!1 "B")))
    (let ((a!4 (ite (and (<= 1 x!0) (<= 2 x!0) (not (<= 3 x!0)) (= x!1 "B"))
                    (ite a!2 3 a!3))))
      (ite a!1 0 a!4))))

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