My New Apartment - 2005 Monroe St. - August 16 2001

So I've signed the lease for my next apartment in Madison...this time around, I think did the whole lease signing procedure in the right order:
     1) See place
     2) Sign lease
I swapped those steps the last time around to ill effect...Anyway, here are some pictures of it.

From Monroe St...You can see a porch on the left side of the building...I'm going to be living in the porch-accessible apartment that's "in the back" from this perspective.

A picture from the can see a little staircase on the right side which leads up to my apartment (a second door into my apartment, in addition to the door on the porch).

A picture of the porch on the side of the building. My apartment is the one with the door on the far left.

The back, and probably the best picture of my apartment. I've got this corner piece on the right side of the building (with the shade drawn). Again, that staircase leads up to the second door into my apartment. You can also see where I'll be parking (and shoveling).

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