About this website
Website management
The website was designed and developed by Pedro Henrique Koeler Goulart, and is currently managed by him. The site is hosted on servers maintained by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Department of Information Technology (Do-It) of the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Current Version: 3.0
The newest test version of the website makes use of the newest versions of Bootstrap and jQuery, refines existing design elements, and dramatically improves load time. Most images were redesigned and some of the content has been rewritten to reflect my current experience.
Privacy Policy
This privacy statement explains the ways in which the personal website of Pedro Henrique Koeler Goulart collects your information while you use it, as well as the uses of this information and the ways in which we protect the information you have chosen to provide us. We are committed to protecting your privacy and do not sell or share the information you have provided to us to other entities not related to the University of Wisconsin without your consent. By using the personal website of Pedro Henrique Koeler Goulart you are accepting the terms of our privacy policy.
Information Collected
We may use commercial services (such as Google Analytics) to collect site usage data and analyze overall site usage. Google Analytics uses cookies in your browser to track users' sessions and collect data about how users view and navigate the site. The data collected never includes names, usernames, or email addresses. Individual IP addresses are collected, but are not associated with individual users other than the ones mentioned above. You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting data by turning off cookies in the preferences settings of your browser. For more information on Google Analytics, visit Google's website.
Changes on the Privacy Policy
If changes are made to the privacy policy, they will be indicated on this page.