Strawberries are the tastiest, and possibly the most poisonous, right off the vine. | And at $1.25/lb, it's quite a bargain to do the manual labor yourself. | My Great-Uncle Bob and his wife JoAnne joined us for the day. |
Dinner at The Three Crabs, on Dungeness Bay. Kacey, a non-seafood eater, got the famous 3 crab's chicken strips :) | Dungeness Bay, home to the famous Dungeness Crab. | Our cottage, Ambleside, had a babbling brook... |
...feeding a pond on the property. | The patio table, next to the babbling brook. | More Ambleside, a place of many Settlers of Catan feuds. |
The babbling brook eventually led to a wildflower lined river not far from the property. | It seems that in the pacific northwest (and Glacier), there is no need for a garden. |