For the second time on the trip, we woke up for the sunrise. This time it was at 5:25am. | The mountain sides turned red as the first rays of the sun hit them. | The sun was almost up over St. Marys Lake when a park ranger told us we needed to leave for an emergency helicopter landing. |
On our walk back to the car we caught the first glimpse of the sun. | The moon over the peaks behind St Marys Lake. | St Marys Falls |
Kacey falling asleep near a cascade (it was still before 7am). | After putzing around for the day, we took an evening hike up towards Iceberg Falls. | We had to turn around near the falls because a goat carcass had caused a path closure near Iceberg Lake. |
| The last sunlight of the day colors the valley we hiked up from. | Wildflowers with Mt. Grinnell and Grinnell Glacier in the background. |
Moments after the sun disappeared behind the Iceberg-Ptarmigan Wall. |