The University of Wisconsin - Madison Amy Hauth

UW-Madison UW-Madison Tandem Repeat Identification Resume Personal

As of August 2003, I have a post-doc in Bioinformatics at the Universite de Montreal.
For more details, visit My Universite de Montreal Website

PhD, Computational Molecular Biology (December 2002)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Resume (2 pages)
Curriculum Vitae (5 pages)

Current Research: Identification of Tandem Repeats in DNA sequences

My current research is the study of complex pattern structures associated with tandem repeats occurring in DNA. The goal is to identify tandem repeat regions which actually occur in sequence data. My extensive analysis of GenBank sequence data uncovered challenging tandem repeat regions described by complex patterns. These sequences motivated my identification approach.

Tandem repeats exhibit several complex pattern structures. Multi-periodic tandem repeats (MPTRs) are regions which exhibit more than one periodicity. Nested tandem repeats are described by tandem repeats nested within tandem repeats. Variable length tandem repeats (VLTRs) are nested tandem repeats where the nested repeat has a varying copy number.

I've developed an algorithm for identifying tandem repeats having both simple and complex pattern structures. The algorithm uses no prior knowledge of region periodicity or pattern. The analysis uses a period-independent threshold approach to select potential tandem repeat regions and sets no artificial upper limit for periodicity.

A paper presented at 10th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) together with a webpage provide both an introduction to this research and an analysis of several GenBank sequences using the algorithm. A detailed description is available in my dissertation.

Documents and Publications

Amy Hauth, 6822 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562 USA

Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1210 West Dayton Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA