The total number of students in the class = 11 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT INFORMATION --------------------------------- STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 2 Name = Amal Shalini Age = 25 Assignments = [55, 71, 71, 63, 60, 78, 83] Project = 89 Total = 74.8 Grade = CR Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Sellery Year in College = Senior STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 3 Name = Diya Rajesh Age = 23 Assignments = [92, 66, 77, 95, 90, 96, 59] Project = 97 Total = 86.6 Grade = CR Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Ogg Year in College = Junior STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 6 Name = Vinodh Balasubramaniam Age = 30 Assignments = [100, 54, 100, 83, 94, 53, 79] Project = 59 Total = 74 Grade = CR Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Waters Year in College = Sophomore STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 7 Name = Bharathi Sriramulu Age = 26 Assignments = [66, 76, 93, 66, 50, 89, 69] Project = 59 Total = 68.6 Grade = N Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Waters Year in College = Sophomore STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 8 Name = Kaviya Lakshmipathy Age = 22 Assignments = [60, 87, 80, 68, 70, 80, 92] Project = 91 Total = 81 Grade = CR Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Leopold Year in College = Freshman STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 11 Name = Shiyam Age = 29 Assignments = [72, 96, 57, 55, 40, 96, 99] Project = 47 Total = 65.6 Grade = N Type = Undergraduate Student Residence Hall = Ogg Year in College = Junior UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT STATISTICS -------------------------------- Number of students = 6 The mean of the total score = 75.1 The sorted list of students (id, name, total, grade) in descending order of total: 3, Diya Rajesh, 86.6, CR 8, Kaviya Lakshmipathy, 81, CR 2, Amal Shalini, 74.8, CR 6, Vinodh Balasubramaniam, 74, CR 7, Bharathi Sriramulu, 68.6, N 11, Shiyam, 65.6, N GRADUATE STUDENT INFORMATION ---------------------------- STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 1 Name = Soosai Raj Age = 18 Assignments = [80, 91, 75, 91, 93, 92, 95] Project = 97 Total = 92.5714 Grade = CR Type = Graduate Student Research Area = Teacher Education Advisor = Thomas STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 4 Name = Kasama Ketsuriyonk Age = 25 Assignments = [94, 63, 59, 55, 72, 54, 63] Project = 95 Total = 80.3571 Grade = CR Type = Graduate Student Research Area = Aerospace Advisor = Rob STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 5 Name = N.R.Auxilia Age = 25 Assignments = [51, 75, 87, 71, 88, 85, 68] Project = 89 Total = 82 Grade = CR Type = Graduate Student Research Area = Food Science Advisor = Rayappa STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 9 Name = Hemanthkumar Santhamoorthy Age = 21 Assignments = [51, 57, 73, 80, 69, 97, 57] Project = 69 Total = 69.0714 Grade = N Type = Graduate Student Research Area = Operating Systems Advisor = Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau STUDENT DETAILS: Id = 10 Name = Rex Fernando Age = 21 Assignments = [57, 90, 81, 96, 80, 95, 78] Project = 68 Total = 75.2143 Grade = N Type = Graduate Student Research Area = Cryptography Advisor = Amit Sahai GRADUATE STUDENT STATISTICS --------------------------- Number of students = 5 The mean of the total score = 79.8429 The sorted list of students (id, name, total, grade) in descending order of total: 1, Soosai Raj, 92.5714, CR 5, N.R.Auxilia, 82, CR 4, Kasama Ketsuriyonk, 80.3571, CR 10, Rex Fernando, 75.2143, N 9, Hemanthkumar Santhamoorthy, 69.0714, N