In 3056, Jeffrey Calderon, Protector of the Taurian Concordat, directed the Taurian Defense Forces to study the ways and methods of warfare practiced by the Inner Sphere, that the TDF could learn and adapt these methods for the greater peace and security of the Taurian Concordat. Some reports included details on the composition of the Federated Commonwealth's Regimental Combat Teams. A wise and knowledgeable ruler, Protector Calderon knew that Battlemechs were not the be-all, end-all of modern warfare; however, even he was surprised by the effectiveness of combined-arms warfare. In July 3058, drawing upon the Calderon family fortune, he ordered the creation of what would be the first Taurian combined-arms regiment.
The Federated Commonwealth's Regimental Combat Teams are, relatively speaking, huge military organizations. Composed of one mech regiment, two armor regiments, three infantry regiments, and attached aerospace and support elements, such a unit would not only drain the Calderon family fortune, but the Taurian military transport capacity.
For a more appropriate-sized solution, the Regimental Combat Team was scaled down by a factor of three. The new combined-arms regiment would be composed of one battalion of mechs, two battalions of tanks, three battalions of infantry (with supporting vehicles), a wing of aerospace fighters, and a command/support unit.
The 1st Taurian Rangers combined-arms regiment was staffed with as many combat veterans (rare in the peaceful Taurian Concordat) as possible, and the lances were filled out with recent graduates of the Ecole Militaire and other Taurian military academies. In addition, a great effort was made to populate the regiment with improved mech designs, incorporating recovered Star League technology. Several Inner Sphere advisors were hired on a short-term basis to help train the new unit's members in combined-arms tactics, and after a year of intensive training in a variety of planets and environments, the regiment proudly sports a "Regular - Fanatical" skill/loyalty rating.
Mechs: 40
Armored vehicles:
Unarmored infantry platoons: 21
Armored infantry squads: 27
Aerospace fighters: 18
Command Unit
Security Lance - 4 battlemechs
Command Lance - 4 Command, Control and Communications vehicles
Artillery Lance - 4 artillery vehicles
Support Company - 3 platoons foot infantry, w/12 Goblin Infantry Support
Aerospace Wing - 18 Aerospace fighters
1st Battalion
1st Company: 12 battlemechs
2nd Company: 12 tanks
3rd Company: 12 tanks
4th Company: 3 platoons jump infantry with APCs
5th Company: 3 platoons motorized infantry with APCs
6th Company: 3 platoons foot infantry with Maultier Hover APCs
2nd Battalion
1st Company: 12 battlemechs
2nd Company: 12 tanks
3rd Company: 12 tanks
4th Company: 3 platoons jump infantry with APCs
5th Company: 3 platoons motorized infantry with APCs
6th Company: 3 platoons foot infantry with Maultier Hover APCs
3rd Battalion
1st Company: 4 mechs, 8 tanks, 3 squads armored infantry with Maultier
Hover APCs
2nd Company: 4 mechs, 8 tanks, 3 squads armored infantry with Maultier
Hover APCs
3rd Company: 4 mechs, 8 tanks, 3 squads armored infantry with Maultier
Hover APCs
4th Battalion
1st Company: 3 platoons (9 squads) armored infantry, 9 Ferret VTOLs
2nd Company: 3 platoons (9 squads) armored infantry, 9 Ferret VTOLs
3rd Company: 12 Yellow Jacket VTOL gunships
The mission of the 1st Taurian Rangers is to perform as a rapid-response force, reacting quickly to enemy moves to reinforce the defenders of an attacked world. The first four battalions operate for the most part independently, combining only with each other (and with the command unit) for major actions (such as strikes against large pirate bases). To date, most of the action the 1st Taurian Rangers has seen has occurred in the New Colony Region, reinforcing Colonial Marshals whose worlds are under attack by pirates.
While not actively engaged in combat, the 1st Taurian Rangers are constantly training, preparing themselves for the day when they may be asked to protect the Taurian Concordat from aggressors more threatening than the occasional pirate. The Rangers know that should the Taurian Concordat be attacked by the Inner Sphere or the Clans, they will be the ones to hold the line until the regular TDF units can deliver the knockout blow.
More detailed information to follow...