AS7-K2 Atlas

Originally posted on December 6, 1997

On 4 Dec 1997 18:10:48 GMT, The Man  wrote:

 >On the other hand, the field refits and some factory refits we have seen
 >in 3050, for the most part, sucked.
 >What we would like to see....  Factory refits of the older units.  Ie,
 >an Atlas w/ new level 2 tech that doesn't, well, suck.

What a marvellous idea.  I'm sure this has been done zillions of times
already, but I haven't seen any Atlas refits or redesigns lately, so
here goes.

AS7-K2 Atlas
Tonnage:                100
Engine: 300              19
 Walk: 3
 Run:  5
 Jump: 0
Cockpit:                  3
Gyro:                     3
I.S.: Endo Steel          5 (2LL,2RL,2LA,2RA,3LT,2RT,1H)
J.J.: none                0
Heat sinks: 14(28)        4 (1LA,1RA, rest in engine)
Armor: 304 (standard)    19
 (usual Atlas allocation)
LRM-20          LT       10
Ammo 12         LT        2
Artemis IV      LT        1
CASE            LT        0.5
Gauss Rifle     RT       15
Ammo 16         RT        2
CASE            RT        0.5
Med. Laser      CT(R)     1
Med. Laser      CT(R)     1
PPC             LA        7
PPC             RA        7

The AS7-K Atlas was the product of the Draconis Combine's hurried
attempt at upgrading the venerable Atlas with newly-recovered
technology.  Unfortunately, the haste with which the AS7-K was
designed and produced resulted in a design whose battlefield
effectiveness was not quite what was desired.  Also unfortunately, the
dire straits that the Draconis Combine found itself did not allow time
to create a better design or to retool the assembly lines to create a
new mech.  Until the recent offensive against the Clan Smoke Jaguar,
every mech was needed as soon as possible.

This offensive, however, has given the Dragon the breathing room it
needs to reexamine the AS7-K and correct several of its flaws.  As a
result, the new AS7-K2 is cheaper, more durable and more effective.

One of the AS7-K's primary difficulties was inadequate heat
dissipation.  The AS7-K redesign team sought to compensate for this
disadvantage in two ways: first, they converted the heat sinks to
double-strength, saving six tons while increasing heat dissipation
40%, and second, they removed the arm-mounted ER Large Lasers in favor
of larger but less heat-producing PPCs.

Another priority of the AS7-K redesign was to make a mech that was
more economical.  As a result, the designers removed the XL engine in
favor of the original 300-rated standard engine, compensating for the
lost mass by adding Endo Steel internal structure, removing the
anti-missile system and ammunition, and replacing the rear-firing
medium pulse lasers with standard medium lasers.

Finally, an Artemis IV fire-control system was added to the LRM 20 to
increase its effectiveness.

The new AS7-K2 is in many ways superior to its parent.  Its enhanced
heat dissipation capability allows it to fire all of its long-range
weapons without overheating, and the addition of PPCs and Artemis IV
FCS increase the mech's firepower significantly.  The elimination of
the XL engine, while motivated by fiscal reasons, has the side effect
of enabling the mech to take significantly more damage before being

The only apparent defect is the mech's lack of close-range weapons.
This not considered critical, however, since it is the policy of the
DCMS to only allow an elite mechwarrior to pilot an Atlas.  To such
mechwarriors, range and range penalties are seldom a factor.

My own comments
This mech would probably be better if its PPCs were mounted in the
torsos rather than the arms, but then it wouldn't be exactly true to
the legacy of the Atlas.  They really don't need to be in the arms
from a design standpoint because the rear-firing med. lasers give the
mech 360 degree weapons coverage, and the Atlas's elite pilot and
companion mechs should limit the occasions when a mech gets behind an
Atlas anyway.  Having the PPCs in the torsos would also provide
additional non-explosive criticals in the torsos, which is valuable.

It does use every single critical slot, which doesn't happen often.

I like it.  The lack of jump jets limits its effectiveness, but its
firepower is good for an Inner Sphere hundred-tonner, so I think it
would make a good heir to the Atlas's legacy.

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