(I actually designed this mech twice, hence the 2 names.)
Originally posted on rec.games.mecha December 13, 1996
This is a possible level 2 version of the 55-ton Daikyu-inspired support mech. I suppose that it also resembles an Enforcer on steroids. Type: DAI-03-L2 Daikyu-mod (aka EOS-L2-1 Enforcer) Tech Base: IS Level 2 Tonnage: 55 Engine: 220 standard 10 Walk: 4 Run: 6 Jump: 4 Cockpit: 3 Gyro: 3 IS: Endo Steel 3 2LL,2LT,10LA JJ: 4 (1LT,2CT,1RT) 2 HS: 10(20) 0 Armor: 179 (ff) 10 2RL, 11RT, 1RA (allocate as desired) Weapons: Gauss Rifle RA Gauss ammo 16 RA ER PPC LA JJ LT 2 JJ CT JJ RT 2 dhs (from engine) LT (missing all hand and lower arm actuators) Crits free: 1 (in the head) Cost: 5,254,759 BV: 1,653 (both according to The Drawing Board) Comments: Generally speaking, a good line-of-battle mech. A little short on close-range weapons, but it didn't have a lot of spare tonnage; one option is to drop the JJ and add a C3 slave and a medium laser, but I think that the JJ are better to have in the long run. The fact that the weapons are in the arms makes the mech a little vulnerable, but what the heck - it's no worse than most of the book designs. It is an option to put the ER PPC in one of the torsos, of course - they're mostly taken up with ES and FF crits. This might be more viable (and more fun), IMHO, if the ERPPC were dropped and replaced with a C3 slave and 3 MPLs. But the ERPPC-Gauss pairing is pretty potent, and not to be underestimated.