DVS-2TC Devastator

Originally posted on rec.games.mecha August 12, 1997

Yes, I realize that the odds of the TC being able to license the Devastator are slim. But I was looking for some variety in 100-ton mech designs, and was getting tired of modifying the other 100-tonners.

DVS-2TC Devastator

Pinard Protectorates Limited was on a roll now.  With skyrocketing
sales of their PTR-4TC Penetrator mechs and their MAD-5TC Marauder
mechs and refit kits, they had acquired enough capital to expand their
Pinard production lines.

The Taurian Concordat has never produced assault mechs.  While assault
mechs do dominate any battlefield they appear on, it was always judged
that smaller mechs that could perform in a wider variety of roles were
the better bargain.  This was before the coming of the clans, however;
and while the Inner Sphere lay between the Taurian Concordat and the
clans, few Taurian citizens hold any illusions about whether or not
the clans, after conquering Terra and reuniting the Star League, would
allow the Periphery to live in peace.  In order for the Taurian
Defense Force to compete militarily with the descendants of Kerensky,
assault mechs are necessary.

So, PPL set out to license an assault mech design.  After a long
search procedure, the PPL board of directors opened a dialogue with
Norse-Storm Enterprises on the planet Loxley in the Federated
Commonwealth.  Several months later, the deal was finalized: PPL would
produce a variant of the Star League DEV-2 Devastator.  The Taurian
Concordat would have an assault mech at last.

Type: DEV-2TC Devastator
Tech base: I.S. Level 2
Tonnage:		100
Engine:	300		 19
  Walk: 3
  Run:  5
  Jump: 0
I.S.:			 10
Cockpit: 		  3
Gyro:			  3
Jump Jets: none		  0
Heat Sinks: 10(20)	  0
Armor: 305 (ff)		 17
  Head:   9-3
  CT:   50/12-31
  L/RT:	32/10-21
  L/RA:	 34-17
  L/RL:  41-21
Gauss Rifle	LA	15
Gauss Rifle	RA	15
Ammo 8		LA	 1
Ammo 8		RA	 1
Ammo 8		LT	 1
Ammo 8		RT	 1
Lg. Laser	LT	 5
Lg. Laser	RT	 5
Med. Laser	LT	 1
Med. Laser	RT	 1
Med. Laser	CT(R)	 1
Med. Laser	H	 1

In order to manufacture the DEV-2TC Devastator natively, some
modifications were made to the design.  Since PPL intended the design
to be sold at a price the TDF and other Periphery militaries could
afford, it was necessary to replace the XL engine with a standard
300-rated engine (incidentally, the same engine used in the PTR-4TC
and the MAD-5TC).  In order to come up with the tonnage necessary for
this conversion, some drastic modifications needed to be made.

First, the two PPCs were downgraded to large lasers.  While this
modification reduced the design's firepower, it also greatly reduced
its heat burden, allowing the removal of all four extra double heat
sinks.  Finally, the armor was converted from standard to
ferro-fibrous, freeing up the necessary space while ensuring excellent
armor protection.

The DEV-2TC Devastator is aptly named - it is the most devastating
mech in the Taurian Defense Force's arsenal.  At long range, it
engages the enemy with its two Gauss Rifles.  At medium ranges, the
Gauss Rifles are joined by two large lasers.  At close ranges, the
medium lasers join the barrage.  Well-armored and well-armed, the
DEV-2TC Devastator will provide a potent deterrent against foreign
intervention into the affairs of the peace-loving peoples of the
Taurian Concordat.

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