GRF-3TC Griffin

Originally posted on April 9, 1997

In the same vein as the PLG-3TC Pillager, the GRF-3TC Griffin was
designed from the outset to be as expensive as possible - the fact
that it's not a half bad mech is incidental.

Type: GRF-3TC Griffin
Mass:           55
Engine: 330 XL  12.25
 Walk: 6
 Run:  9
 Jump: 6
Cockpit:         3
Gyro:            4
I.S.:            5.5
J.J.:(3LT,3RT)   3
H.S.: 10(20)     0
Armor: 179(ff)  10
 Head: 9-3
   CT: 28/8-18
 L/RT: 20/6-13
 L/RA: 18-9
 L/RL: 23-13

ER PPC      RA  7
LRM 15      RT  7
Artemis IV  RT  1
LRM ammo 16 RT  2
.25 tons left over

Cost: 12,082,095

The executive board of Vandenberg Mechanized Industries looked
jealously at the PLG-3TC Pillager, manufactured for a stunning profit
by their competitor, Taurus Territorial Industries.  Deciding to jump
into the export market as well, they commissioned the design and
manufacture of the GRF-3TC Griffin.

The GRF-3TC Griffin is similar to the Free Worlds League's upgraded
GRF-3M Griffin in several ways.  First, both designs upgrade the PPC
to an ER PPC.  Second, both designs add an XL engine - the -3M adding
a Hermes 275 XL, the -3TC adding a VME 330 XL.  In addition, both
upgrade the heat sinks to the double-strength variety, although the
Taurian version eliminates four heat sinks in the process, to
compensate for the larger engine.  Finally, both upgrade the original
LRM-10, although the VME version chooses to upgrade to an LRM-15 with
Artemies IV rather than the -3M's LRM-20 with CASE.

Other than this, the only real differences between the designs are
minor - the -3TC removes the small laser to add a half ton to the
armor, and all of the armor is converted to brand spanking new
ferro-fibrous, increasing the mech's protection by roughly fifteen
percent.  VME designers feel that this feature enables the -3TC to
engage in heavier combat than its Marik counterpart, and that this,
coupled with its greater speed, make it a viable solution for the
modern Inner Sphere battlefield.

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