MAD-5TC Marauder

Originally posted on August 12, 1997

MAD-5TC Marauder

Pinard Protectorates Limited was not content with producing the
PTR-4TC Penetrator as its sole upgraded mech, and started a program to
overhaul their entire mech line to produce new, upgraded machines that
are capable of competing with the best that the Inner Sphere has to
offer.  The first new design to come out of this program is the
MAD-5TC Marauder.  Available new and as an upgrade kit, this new and
even more deadly Marauder variant promises that the Marauder will
terrify its opponents for a long time to come.

Type: MAD-5TC Marauder
Tech base: I.S. Level 2
Tonnage: 		75
Engine:	300		19
  Walk: 4
  Run:  6
  Jump: 0
I.S.:			 7.5
Cockpit:		 3
Gyro:			 3
J.J.: none		 0
Heat Sinks: 16(32)	 6
Armor: 224 (ff)		12.5
  Head:   9-3
    CT: 35/10-23
  L/RT: 24/8-16
  L/RA:  23-12
  L/RL:  30-16
Med. Laser	RA	1
Med. Laser	LA	1
Med. Laser	CT	1

The first alteration of the venerable MAD-3R Marauder came with its
heat dissipation - all 16 heat sinks were converted from the single
variety to the double variety, allowing the Marauder plenty of heat
dissipation ability.  Now that heat is no longer a concern, the
troublesome Autocannon 5 was removed from the right torso and replaced
with a third PPC, giving the MAD-5TC enhanced long-range barrage
ability.  The tonnage saved from the AC->PPC conversion was taken by a
third Medium Laser, placed in the center torso, and the tonnage saved
by the removal of the autocannon ammunition was added to the armor.
Finally, the entire armor complement was converted to ferro-fibrous
armor, making battlefield repairs slightly more difficult but greatly
increasing the chance that those repairs would have the opportunity to
take place.

The MAD-5TC Marauder greatly enhances the firepower of its
predecessor.  With three PPCs and the heat sinks to use them, the
Marauder must be closed with to be dealt with, but any enemy that
closes the range will feel the bite of the 3 medium lasers.  All of
this, coupled with its additional armor protection, gives the MAD-5TC
Marauder the ability to dominate its battlefield.

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