PLG-3TCa and PLG-3TCb Pillager

Originally posted on April 27, 1997

I know that the FC probably wouldn't let the TC license the Pillager. If you don't like my little fantasy world, sue me.

Note:  There are two versions of this mech - the export version and
the domestic version.  The export version was designed specifically to
be expensive, and is not an especially capable design.  Considering
other FASA designs, I did not consider this important.

Type: PLG-3TCa and PLG-3TCb Pillager
Tech Base: Inner Sphere 3058
Tonnage: 100

Equipment               	Mass
Internal Structure               10

Engine (export version): 400 XL  26.25
  Walk: 4
  Run:  6
  Jump: 4                         8

Engine (domestic version): 300   19
  Walk: 3
  Run:  5
  Jump: 3

Heat Sinks (export): 16(32)       6
Heat Sinks (domestic): 10(20)     0

Gyro (export):                    4
Gyro (domestic):                  3

Cockpit:                          3
Armor: 304 (standard)            19
 Head:   9-3
   CT: 50/ll-31
 L/RT: 32/10-21
 L/RA:  34-17
 L/RL:  41-21

Weapons (export):
ER Lg. Laser RA
2 Med. Laser LA
Med. Laser CT
Med. Laser H
2 J.J. LL
2 J.J. RL

Triple Strength Myomer LT(3)/RT(3)

Weapons (domestic):
LB-10X  LT
LB-10X  RT
LB ammo 20  LT
LB ammo 20  RT
LB ammo 10  LL
LB ammo 10  RL
2 Med. Lasers  LA
Med. Laser  CT
Med. Laser  H

Cost (export version): 31,161,333
Cost (domestic version): 10,876,000

The high-level executives at Taurus Territorial Industries looked with
envy at the catalogs and sales brochures featuring new, high-tech
battlemechs and vehicles sold by their Inner Sphere competitors.
Especially galling, in their view, was the series of expensive assault
mechs produced by corporations in factories located in the St. Ives
Compact.  How was it, they asked, that this newcomer to the block
could afford to manufacture battlemechs two, even three times as
expensive as the most expensive battlemechs manufactured at the TTI
plant on Taurus?  This was a situation that had to be rectified as
soon as possible, thought the executives.

TTI queried a number of Inner Sphere corporations about the
feasibility of acquiring a license to manufacture mech variants.  Two
years later, TTI proudly announced that its newest model, the PLG-3TCb
Pillager, was available for purchase by any interested Inner Sphere
parties.  To date, various governments and large mercenary units have
responded favorably.

Of course, the Taurian government, primary customer of TTI's products,
could never afford a thirty million C-bill battlemech.  To cope with
their needs, TTI is providing a limited run of a modified version its
prototype: the PLG-3TCa Pillager.

The primary weapons systems of the PLG-3Z Pillager were revamped for
the -3TCb version.  The two Gauss rifles were exchanged for two TTI ER
PPCs, the weight savings from which enabled the engine to be upgraded
to a Taurus 400 XL.  The four medium lasers were left identical with
the original design.  Finally, Triple Strength Myomer was added.

For the -3TCa version, the original 300 XL engine was upgraded to a
300 standard version.  In order to provide weight savings for this,
the twin Gauss rifles were replaced by twin LB-10Xs.  As a bonus, CASE
was added to the mech's side torsos.

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