WHM-7TC Warhammer

Originally posted on rec.games.mecha May 9, 1997

WHM-7TC Warhammer

Another mech, similar to the PLG-3TC Pillager and the GRF-3TC Griffin,
in that it is designed to be expensive first and a good mech second.

Type: WHM-7TC Warhammer
Mass:           70
Engine: 350 XL  14.75
 Walk: 5
 Run:  8
 Jump: 0
Cockpit:         3
Gyro:            4
I.S.:            7
J.J.: none       0
H.S.: 18(36)     8
Armor: 179 (ff) 10
 Head: 9-3
   CT: 28/10-22
 L/RT: 20/8-15
 L/RA: 20-ll
 L/RL: 18-15

ER PPC      LA  7
ER PPC      RA  7
SRM 6       LT  3
Artemis IV  LT  1
SRM ammo 15 LT  1
CASE        LT  0.5
Med. Laser  LT  1
Med. Laser  RT  1
AM Gun      RT  0.5
AM ammo 12  RT  1

4 d.h.s.(engine)
d.h.s.  LA
d.h.s.  RA
d.h.s.  LT
d.h.s.  RT

Cost:  16,389,417 C-bills

Vandenberg Mechanized Industries sought to capitalize on the publicity
brought by the sales of its GRF-3TC Griffin by introducing a heavier
counterpart: the latest version of the venerable Warhammer.

VMI has long manufactured the venerable WHM-6R Warhammer at its plant
on Pinard.  In a manner similar to Ronin Inc. in the Free Worlds
League, VMI attempted to add newtech improvements to the basic
Warhammer chassis.  Once room was made in the modified chassis for the
350 XL engine, this was accomplished without undue difficulty.

The primary advancement of the WHM-7TC is its new, extra-light engine.
Weighing 1.25 tons less than the traditional Magna 280 engine, the VMI
350 XL increases the Warhammer's top speed by over 20 kph.  VMI
engineers converted the Warhammer's armor to ferro-fibrous, addressing
one of the -6R's traditional weaknesses and reinforcing the torsos and
legs.  In addition, the Warhammer's original 18 heat sinks were
converted to double-strength heat sinks and redistributed throughout
the mech's body.

The weapons systems of the WHM-6R were also significantly upgraded.
The standard PPCs were replaced with the extended-range variety, and
the two machine guns were removed to make way for an anti-missile
system in the right torso and an Artemis IV fire control system and
CASE system for the SRM 6 in the left torso.  The two medium lasers
were left unchanged.

The WHM-7TC Warhammer has been sold to a variety of Successor States
and mercenary units.  It is rumored that some of these units will see
action against the clans in the near future, and the WHM-7TC is
expected to compare quite favorably to the clan omnimechs, compared to
the other mechs in use with Inner Sphere militaries.

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