Case Study 5-01
Read in the data into a data frame
> case0501 = read.table("case0501.csv",sep=",",header=T)
Make sure the structure of the data frame is correct.
> str(case0501)
Attach the data frame so variables can be refered to by name.
> attach(case0501)
Find sample size, means, and SDs for each group
> unlist(lapply(split(LIFETIME,DIET),length))
> unlist(lapply(split(LIFETIME,DIET),mean))
> unlist(lapply(split(LIFETIME,DIET),sd))
Fit an ANOVA using lm
> fit1 = lm(LIFETIME ~ DIET)
> summary(fit1)
> anova(fit1)
Fit an ANOVA using aov
> fit2 = aov(LIFETIME ~ DIET)
> summary(fit2)
Make several summary plots
> plot(fit1)
Plot Residuals versus fitted values
> plot(fitted(fit1),residuals(fit1))