* A network node can be connected to at most eight links. * The receiver window in the RMTP API is specified in bytes. * An RMTP receiver knows the SAPs of the RAP server of a network node, and of the one or more RMTP senders of that node. * An announcement for a multicast session is only removed (by a RAP server) after the session has started. * The announcement of a RAP server always fits in one DNP packet. * An RMTP receiver will not attempt to join a group after the corresponding multicast session has started. * When a network node is "rebooted", it will be given a configuration file that describes correctly at least the current neighboors of that node. * The RMTP sequence numbers should be 32-bit wide. * The unicast address 0 is reserved for special purposes (by your code), and it will never appear in the configuration file as the address of a node. * A checksum should identify errors in RAP and RMTP packets that can also happen in the DNP header, i.e., the checksum should cover the entire DNP packet.