Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Elastomers, 4th edition Database: Rubbers, Thermoplastics, Thermoplastic Elastomers, and Thermosets / Edition 4

Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Elastomers, 4th edition Database: Rubbers, Thermoplastics, Thermoplastic Elastomers, and Thermosets / Edition 4

by William Woishnis

ISBN-10: 0815515278

ISBN-13: 9780815515272

Pub. Date: 12/31/2007

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Elastomers is the world’s largest compilation of data that explains the effect of thousands of reagents, the environment and other exposure media on the properties and characteristics of plastics and elastomers. Now with over 194,000 records, this fourth edition database is the most powerful tool any plastics engineer,


Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Elastomers is the world’s largest compilation of data that explains the effect of thousands of reagents, the environment and other exposure media on the properties and characteristics of plastics and elastomers. Now with over 194,000 records, this fourth edition database is the most powerful tool any plastics engineer, researcher, or technician can use. Virtually everything you need to know about Chemical Resistance is right here.

The Chemical Resistance database is truly comprehensive, providing as much information as is available from various sources which include technical journals, materials suppliers literature, electronic books, reference books, government publications, patents, test laboratories, and monographs. Incorporating and normalizing disparate data into an easy to use package is the hallmark of the Chemical Resistance brand.

Hard to find information has been normalized to quickly provide answers to your questions and the highly regarded PDL rating is included for quick answers as to whether the material is suitable for further research. Extensive data is given for exposure conditions as well as the results of exposure. The interface allows you to basic search via keyword; advanced search using three distinct Boolean operators; or browse via material or reagent.

Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Plastics Design Library Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
4.90(w) x 5.60(h) x 0.40(d)

Table of Contents

Exposure Conditions: Temperature; Time of Exposure; Stress Level of Specimen; Concentration of Reagent; Test Results: Tensile Strength Retained; Elongation Retained; Weight Change; Dimensional Change; Appearance Change; Resulting Stress Cracks; Qualitative Assessment; PDL Resistance Rating; Resistance Notes. Also Included: Material Details; CAS Registry Numbers; Glossary of Terms; Reagent & Temperature Sort; Trade Name Index; Metadata. Data presented as Tabular Data and Multiple Sorts

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