Database Access with Visual Basic .NET / Edition 3

Database Access with Visual Basic .NET / Edition 3

3.0 2
by Jeffrey P. McManus, Jackie Goldstein

ISBN-10: 0672323435

ISBN-13: 9780672323430

Pub. Date: 10/04/2002

Publisher: Addison-Wesley

Whether you are using WinForms, WebForms, or Web Services, Database Access with Visual Basic® .NET, Third Edition , is your practical guide to developing database applications with Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET. The authors provide real-world solutions to the data-access issues Visual Basic .NET developers face every day and share their secrets


Whether you are using WinForms, WebForms, or Web Services, Database Access with Visual Basic® .NET, Third Edition , is your practical guide to developing database applications with Visual Basic .NET and ADO.NET. The authors provide real-world solutions to the data-access issues Visual Basic .NET developers face every day and share their secrets for becoming a more effective database programmer using .NET technologies.

The book begins by reviewing the fundamentals of database development, Structured Query Language (SQL), and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000. It then examines how to use the major ADO.NET objects to access data stored in relational databases. Through detailed examples, readers learn how to use properties and methods, as well as more advanced features and techniques. Extensive code listings in Visual Basic .NET illustrate each concept, while business cases apply concepts to real-world applications. The final chapters provide a solid examination of how XML and ASP.NET integrate with ADO.NET to create various types of database applications. A companion Web site provides the code used in the book's myriad examples, all of which is compatible with Visual Basic .NET 2003.

Key topic coverage includes:

  • SQL queries and commands
  • Using SQL Server 2000
  • ADO.NET objects
  • Advanced ADO.NET features and techniques
  • SQL Server and OLEDB, as well as ODBC .NET Data Providers
  • Using Visual Studio .NET Data Projects for managing SQL Scripts
  • Integrating XML with ADO.NET
  • Developing Web-based database applications with ASP.NET
  • Web services and middle-tier objects
  • Database Access with Visual Basic® .NET, Third Edition , equips VB developers with the knowledge and skills needed to build a powerful new generation of database applications in less time using .NET technologies.


    Product Details

    Publication date:
    Edition description:
    Product dimensions:
    7.24(w) x 9.05(h) x 1.02(d)

    Table of Contents


    1. Database Basics.

    What Is a Database?

    What Is a Database Platform?

    Business Cases.

    Business Case 1.1: Introducing Jones Novelties, Incorporated.

    Tables and Fields.

    Designing Your Database.

    Business Case 1.2: Designing Tables and Relationships.

    Manipulating Data with Objects.

    Data Types.

    Creating a Database Schema.

    Using Visual Studio to Create a Database.

    Designating Indexes and the Primary Key.

    Creating Database Diagrams.

    Using Microsoft Visio to View and Alter a Database Schema.


    Using Referential Integrity to Maintain Consistency.

    Testing Referential Integrity Constraints, Using Server Explorer.

    Cascading Updates and Cascading Deletes.


    One-to-One Relationships.

    One-to-Many Relationships.

    Many-to-Many Relationships.

    Creating a User Interface in a Windows Forms Application.

    Connecting to a Database and Working with Records.

    Creating a Data Browser Application.

    Performing Binding Programmatically.

    About Data-Aware Controls in .NET.

    Updating Records in the Data Browser Application.

    Creating New Records in a Data-Bound Form.

    Deleting Records from a Data-Bound Form.

    Validating Data Entry in a Data-Bound Form.

    Validation at the Database Engine Level.


    Questions and Answers.

    2. Structured Query Language Queries and Commands.

    What is a Query?

    Testing Queries with the Server Explorer.

    Retrieving Records with the SELECT Clause.

    Designating a Record Source with the FROM Clause.

    Specifying Criteria with the WHERE Clause.

    Operators in WHERE Clauses.

    Sorting Results with ORDER BY.

    Sorting in Descending Order.

    Sorting on Multiple Fields.

    Displaying the Top or Bottom of a Range with TOP.

    Creating Top Percentage Queries.

    Joining Related Tables in a Query.

    Expressing a Join in SQL.

    Using Outer Joins to Return Additional Data.

    Performing Calculations in Queries.

    Aliasing Field Names with AS.

    Queries That Group and Summarize Data.

    Using HAVING to Provide Criteria for Grouped Queries.

    The SUM Function.

    Other SQL Aggregate Functions.

    Union Queries.


    Manipulating Data with SQL.

    Update Commands.

    Delete Commands.

    Insert Commands.

    Creating Tables with SELECT INTO.

    Using Data Definition Language.

    Creating Database Elements with CREATE.

    Adding Constraints to Tables.

    Creating Indexes with CREATE INDEX.

    Deleting Tables and Indexes with DROP.

    Modifying a Tables Definition with ALTER.


    Questions and Answers.

    3. Getting Started with SQL Server 2000.

    Setting Up and Running Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

    Determining Installation Requirements for SQL Server 2000.

    Installing SQL Server 2000.

    Starting and Stopping SQL Server with SQL Service Manager.

    Controlling the Way SQL Server Starts Up.

    Getting Started with SQL Server 2000: The Basics.

    Running SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

    Creating a Database with SQL Enterprise Manager.

    Creating Tables in a SQL Server Database.

    Using SQL Query Analyzer to Access a Database.

    Using Database Views to Control Access to Data.

    Creating and Running Stored Procedures.

    Displaying the Text of an Existing View or Stored Procedure.

    Creating Triggers.

    Business Case 3.1: Creating a Trigger That Enables Soundalike Searches.

    Managing Users and Security in SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

    Applying Security Attributes in SQL Query Analyzer.

    Removing Objects from the Database

    Business Case 3.2: Generating an SQL Script That Creates a Database.


    Questions and Answers.

    4. ADO.NETData Providers.

    Overview of ADO.NET.

    Motivation and Philosophy.

    ADO.NET Versus Classic ADO (2.x).

    ADO.NET Objects Within the .NET Framework.

    Application Interfaces.

    Overview of .NET Data Provider Objects.




    Core Objects.

    The Connection Object.

    The Command Object.

    Using the Command Object with Parameters and Stored Procedures.

    Executing the Commands.

    The DataReader Object.

    Using the Connection and Command Design-Time Components.

    Other Data Provider Objects.

    Business Case 4.1: Writing a Routine to Archive Old Orders by Year.


    Questions and Answers.

    5. ADO.NETThe DataSet.

    Applications and Components of the DataSet.

    Populating and Manipulating the DataSet.

    Defining DataTable Schemas.

    Adding Data to a DataTable.

    Updating the DataSet.

    Accessing Data from a DataTable.

    Table Relations.

    Table Constraints.

    Using the DataSet Component.


    Questions and Answers.

    6. ADO.NETThe DataAdapter.

    Populating a DataSet from a Data Source.

    Updating the Data Source.

    Setting the Update Commands.

    Business Case 6.1 Combining Multiple Related Tables.


    Questions and Answers.

    7. ADO.NETAdditional Features and Techniques.

    Detecting Concurrency Conflicts.

    Table and Column Mappings.


    Business Case 7.1: Viewing Data Combined from Different Sources.

    Strongly Typed DataSets.


    Questions and Answers.

    8. Visual Studio.NET Database Projects.

    Creating a Database Project.

    Database References.


    Create Scripts.

    Change Scripts.

    Running the Scripts.

    Command Files.



    Questions and Answers.

    9. XML and .NET.

    An Overview of XML.

    The XML Family of Technologies.

    XML and Data Access.

    XML Classes in .NET.

    Working with the Document Object Model.

    Working with XPATH.

    Extending SQL Server with SQLXML 3.0 and IIS.

    Installing and Configuring SQLXML 3.0.

    Configuration Results.

    Using XML, XSLT, and SQLXML to Create a Report.


    Questions and Answers.

    10. ADO.NET and XML.

    Basic Reading and Writing of XML.

    Reading XML.

    Writing XML.


    Business Case 10.1: Preparing XML Files for Business Partners.

    Creating an XmlReader from a Command Object.

    The XmlDataDocument Object.


    Questions and Answers.

    11. WebForms: Database Applications with ASP.NET.

    An Overview of ASP.NET.

    HTML Controls Versus Server Controls.

    Additional Highlights of ASP.NET.

    Accessing a Database Through ASP.NET.

    Adding the ASPNET User to the SQL Server Logins.


    Working with the DataGrid.

    Improving the Performance of ASP.NET Database Applications Through Stored Procedures.


    Questions and Answers.

    12. Web Services and Middle-Tier Technologies.

    Using the Middle Tier to Provide Presentation Logic.

    Using Data in the Middle Tier.

    Creating Reusable Middle-Tier Components.

    Using the Component from Another Application.

    Exposing Objects Through Web Services.

    Exposing an Existing Object Through a Web Service.

    Accessing Web Services Programmatically.

    Putting It All Together.


    Questions and Answers.

    Index. 0672323435T01242003

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    Database Access with Visual Basic .NET 3 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. 2 reviews.
    Guest More than 1 year ago
    The book is written well with the exception that in the very first chapter you are presented with text that does not match the figures, typos in the code examples and a bad function call. Yes, I could have pushed my way passed these things but this is a 3rd edition book. I don't want to have to troubleshoot my learning material. Who'd have guessed with India's finest technical reviewers like Anjani Chittajallu and Indovina...
    Guest More than 1 year ago
    I picked up this book to come up to speed on how to use ADO .NET in VB .NET. I had been using ADO .NET in C# for over a year. I was self taught with help from Microsoft samples, magazine articles, and other sources. I was hoping to learn new syntax but found instead that there were better and easier ways of doing some things that I had 'learned' to do. I loved this book and have recommended it to several people already.