Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed

Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed

by Thomas Kyte

Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed provides much-needed information for building scalable, high-concurrency applications and deploy them against the Oracle Database. Read this short, 150-page book that is adapted from Expert Oracle Database Architecture to gain a solid and accurate understanding of how locking and concurrency are


Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed provides much-needed information for building scalable, high-concurrency applications and deploy them against the Oracle Database. Read this short, 150-page book that is adapted from Expert Oracle Database Architecture to gain a solid and accurate understanding of how locking and concurrency are dealt with by Oracle Database. Also learn how the Oracle Database architecture accommodates user transactions, and how you can write code to mesh with how Oracle Database is designed to operate.

Good transaction design is an important facet of highly-concurrent applications that are run by hundreds, even thousands of users who are all executing transactions at the same time. Transaction design in turn relies upon a good understanding of how the underlying database platform manages of the locking of resources so as to prevent access conflicts and data loss that might otherwise result from concurrent access to data in the database.

Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed covers in detail the various lock types, and also different locking schemes such as pessimistic and optimistic locking. Then you’ll learn about transaction isolation and multiversion concurrency, and how the various lock types support Oracle Database’s transactional features. You’ll learn some good tips for transaction design, as well as some bad practices and habits to avoid. Coverage is also given to redo and undo, and their role in concurrency. This is an important book that anyone developing highly-concurrent applications will want to have handy on their shelf.

What you’ll learn
  • Understand locks and their implication for concurrent applications

  • Manage transaction isolation to meet business needs while not impeding concurrency

  • Design effective transactions and choose the correct atomicity level for your needs

  • Take advantage of features such as deferrable constraints and autonomous transactions

  • Build multi-database applications with needed atomicity through distributed transactions

  • Investigate and troubleshoot redo and undo problems that can impede concurrency

Who this book is for

Oracle Database Transactions and Locking Revealed is the definitive book on transactions and locking for Oracle Database developers and architects who are developing highly-concurrent applications. Readers should already have good understanding of SQL and PL/SQL. Experience in application development is also beneficial.

Table of Contents

1. Building for Concurrency

2. Locking and Issues

3. Lock Types

4. Concurrency and Multiversioning

5. Transactions

6. Redo and Undo

7. Investigating Undo

8. Investigating Undo

Product Details

Publication date:
Sold by:
Barnes & Noble
File size:
860 KB

Meet the Author

strongThomas Kyte/strong is vice president of the Core Technologies Group at Oracle Corporation and has been with the company since version 7.0.9 was released in 1993. Kyte, however, has been working with Oracle since version 5.1.5c. At Oracle, Kyte works with the Oracle database, and more specifically, he helps clients who are using the Oracle database and works directly with them specifying and building their systems or rebuilding and tuning them. Prior to working at Oracle, Kyte was a systems integrator who built large-scale, heterogeneous databases and applications for military and government clients.pTom Kyte is the same "Ask Tom" whose column appears in emOracle Magazine/em, where he answers questions about the Oracle database and tools that developers and database administrators struggle with every day./p
Darl Kuhn is a senior database administrator working for Oracle. He handles all facets of database administration from design and development to production support. He also teaches advanced database courses at Regis University in Colorado. Darl does volunteer DBA work for the Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group. He has a graduate degree from Colorado State University and lives near Spanish Peaks, Colorado, with his wife, Heidi, and daughters, Brandi and Lisa.

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