CS559 Midterm Exam
The CS559 Midterm exam will be held in class on March 28.
The exam will cover all topics covered in class till curves; texture mapping
is not included. Related textbook sections and lecture slides are good reading
What willl definitely not on the exam:
- Anything about FlTk
- The syntax of OpenGL commands
Kinds of things you might get asked (you should know)
- the concepts of light and eye
- the image formation principle of a camera
- convolution: definition and how to compute it, how to smooth and sharpen
an image, how to detect an edge
- resample: how to down-sample and up-sample an image, what are the common
reconstruction kernel
- trichromacy -- why 3 colors are enough to represent all color to human
- the concept of color space
- the concept of image warping and morphing
- 2D/3D transformations and their properties
- projective transformation and its properties
- the basic graphics pipeline from 3D to 2D images
- rasterization -- using incremental computation for speedup
- basic ideas and methods for anti-aliasing
- Z-buffer and BSP tree
- matrix stack and how to concatenate basic transformations to achieve a
complex motion
- Phong shading model: what are emissive, diffuse, specular terms for?
- concept of BRDF
- concepts of flat shading, difference between Gouraud and Phong shading
- different curves covered in class (no need to remember resulting
coefficients, but need to know the properties of different curves, and the
basic procedure of deriving them)
- texture mapping will not be included.
For your reference, previous years' exams are accessible here
Please keep in mind that we cover slightly different material and our exam
time is shorter. So you can expect less (and different of course) questions.