First, here is a test image: pics:Downsample/t1.tga (it's the same one as on the Main.Downsample page. It is 256x256. Using the best kernel your program supports, resize it to: 100x100, 128x128, 512x512, and 128x400. Please name your files t1-100x100.tga, t1-128x128.tga, t1-128x400.tga and t1-512x512.tga.
Second, if your program supports multiple kernels, submit the same set of images with the simplest/worst kernel. Add a "-bad" to the names (so it would be "t1-100x100-bad.tga").
Finally, we want to see what your program does in upsampling by a larger amount, but if you made t1 big, it would be HUGE. So use this image as a test case: pics:P1Samples/tiny.tga (it's 24x24) and resize it to 240x240 (a factor of 10 upsizing). Please name the result "tiny-240.tga". If you want to give more than one result, you can name them "tiny-240-X.tga" (make X be meaningful). Be sure to explain in your documentation what the difference is. (don't give more than 2 or 3)
In your documentation, please be sure to explain what kernel was used for each example.
You need to turn in at least 2 results. At least one of them needs to come from my source images below.
To show off your painting algorithm, pick 1-3 images of your own choosing - pick images that you think really show off good results. Preferably smaller ones (TGA files can be huge). Please give both the inputs and the outputs. If you only want to pick some of my images (below) you can do that.
Please name the images you pick "3-username-n-in.tga" (for the inputs) and "3-username-n-out.tga" (for the outputs). Where "username" is your cs user name and "n" is the number (1 for the first). So for me, it might be
3-johndoe-1-in.tga 3-johndoe-1-out.tga
In addition, here are 3 images that I think work well for painting:
Please pick at least one of these and give your painting result for it. Please name the result "3-username-picname.tga" (like "3-gleicher-vail.tga").
If you only want to turn in some of my pictures, that's OK. Pick at least 2.