Project 2 / TrainUI

How the TrainUI works for the framework code and example solution

October, 2008 - By Mike Gleicher
Updated October, 2009 by Mike Gleicher for the 2009 version of class (with visual studio 2008).

See also: The discussion of the framework code at TrainFramework

The source code for the framework is available in Note that the version date (here Oct 26) is in the file name. If newer versions are released they will be announced.

The executable for the framework is TrainFramework.exe. This is what you should get if you build the code. The example solution is available as TrainExample2009.exe.

Camera Controls

Moving Points

The program provides a "Mouse Pole" user interface.

Use the Left Mouse to select and move (with dragging).

When dragging, things move parallel to the ground plane. Unless the CTRL key is held down, in which case things move perpindicular to the ground plane.

Some Features of the Sample Solution

The sample solution was written for simplicity, not for efficiency. This might be a problem for you if you don't have a good computer with a decent graphics card, it might not run fast enough.

Some silly things you might notice: